Chak No 32 (Nathu-Kot) چک نمبر 32 نتھو کوٹ
Chak No 32 (Nathu-Kot) چک نمبر 32 نتھو کوٹ
By: Faiz Ahmed
Chak No 32 چک نمبر Nathoo kot or Nathu kot is village of tehsil Malakwal district Mandi Bahauddin. It has distance of 22 km from Mandi Bahauddin in west and 12 km from Malakwal in south east. From Gojra its distance is 3 km and village Khai is just 2 km from Nathoo Kot in east.
When flood came in Gujrat then people from district Gujrat migrated to the surrounding area. Then people of village Nathoo Kot were migrated to Chak Number 32 in 1905, later on its name was called Chak No 32 nathoo kot. Govt allotted land in revenge.
Area of the village is 12.5 Sq
Population is round about 1,000 persons.
Neighboring villages:
- Chak No. 42 – east
- Chak No. 16 – west
- Aidal – north
- Bukkan – south
- Gondal 80%
- Others 20%
Social Personalities:
- Sufi Faiz Ahmed
- Akbar Ali
- Amir Shahzad
Highly qualified persons:
- Muzamal Khokhar (ZTBL-03338011100)
- Qamer Shahzad (ZTBL-03215251032)
- Khuram Shahzad (Punjab police-03466488816)
- Mudasser Iqbal Khokhar (Travel Agency-03466467685)
- Muhammad Akram Advocate (LLB)
- Khalid Pervez (BA)
- Akhtar (ASI)
- Muhammad Hayyat (ASI railway)
- Muhammad Bakhash (Patrolling Police)
- Saif Ullah (Police)
- Mukhtar Ahmed
- Muhammad Shan (Habib Bank)
- Altaf Hussain (National Bank)
- Abdul Majeed (Jail Police)
- Muhammad Asif (Air Force)
- Faisal Shahzad (Police)
- Ghulam Abbas (Police)
- Muhammad Afzal
- Imran Cheema
- Muhammad Riyaz
- Muhammad Tahir
- Khawar Shahzad
- Shahzad Ahmed
- Muhammad Ahsan s/o Muhammad Hayyat
Source of income:
Agricultural, Govt services, abroad living persons are very big way of earning the money.
Education sector:
- Govt Primary School
- Ghazali Model School (private)
- Baba Beri Wala
- Baba Faqeer Shah
Jamia Masjid Sabri
There are three canal in the east of village, These canal were created in 1914.
- Sugar cane
- Wheat
- Rice
- Volleyball
- Kabaddi
- Cricket
May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)
Information provided by Faiz Ahmad