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Chak No. 16 (kararriwala)چک نمبر 16

mandi bahauddin chak no. 16

Chakk No.16 (kararriwala) چک نمبر 16 کراڑی والہ

Info. by Raja Afzal


Chak No.16 is situated in tehsil Malakwal near Gojra. Its distance from District capital Mandi bahauddin is 35 Km and from city Malakwal is 25 Km and from Gojra its 6 Km through Chak No. 33 (Khassa)


The first name of my was Chak No. 16 Bagh-bahar. Then gujjar familly came from Kararriwala (Kharian) and established here, so then slowly slowly it was known as Chak No. 16 Kararriwala


Population of our village is round about 12,000 persons.

Founder of the village

Founder of the village is known as Raja Nazar Ali numberdaar. He was son of Raja Hakim Ali Zaildar who came here before 1947 from Gourra Hashim.



It has three mohallas,

  • Gujjar mohalla
  • Raja mohallah
  • Kamiyan da mohallah

Nature of the people

People of our village are very respective, moderate ,well educated and good host. Way of living is agricultural. Some people are working in govt sector and many are abroad (Spain, Italy, France, UK, Middle East)

Neighboring villages

  • Chak No. 17 –>  North
  • Chak No. 33 khassa–> South
  • Chak No. 32 —> East
  • Ghourri —> West

Social personalities

  1. Syed Sajjad Hussain shah.(ex)
  2. Mian Muhammad Aslam Gondal
  3. Haji Raja Rafaqat Ali
  4. Mushtaq Ahmed Singhalia
  5. Ghulam Ahmad Gujjar
  6. Ch. Nadeem Shoukat
  7. Chairman Liaqat Ali Thanedar
  8. Tehsildar Ghulam Haider (Rtd.)
  9. Khadam Hussain Qaisar (Advocate General Supreme Court of Pakistan)
  10. Ch Mohammed Anwar (Chairperson CLF)

Highly Qualified persons

  1. Ch. Naseem Sabir Gujjar (MA, LLB)
  2. Ch. Waseem Shoukat (B.A)
  3. Sajjad Karim (member of European Parliament) fist Muslim Pakistani in history
  4. Captain Dr. Asif Ali. M.S (civil) hospital Jhelum
  5. Raja Safdar Iqbal.BA
  6. Asif Ali Gujjar Advocate
  7. Ijaz Ahmad Gujjar .Ex MNA
  8. Imtiaz Ahmed Gujjar Tehsil nazim Mandi bahauudin
  9. Ghulam Hussain Jarra. (Overseer)
  10. Muhammad Asghar Jarra. (Wapda)


B.H.U. Chak No. 16 and there are also 2 medical stores in the village

Education sector

There are 2 govt schools in the village

  1. Govt girls elementary school chak no. 16
  2. Govt boys elementary school Chak no. 16

There are 2 private school too.

  1. Little bird middle model school chak no. 16
  2. M.C high school chak no. 16

and there are also 2 Maddrasssas,

  1. Madrassa Noor ul binaat chak no. 16
  2. Madrrasa Zaheer ul islam chak no. 16

Main casts

  • Gujjar (50%)
  • Raja (25%)
  • Jaat, Gondal (25%)

Main crops

Wheat, Rice, Suger cane, Jawar, Bajra, etc

Communication and Entertainment system

Every facility of modern era is available like Telephone, Internet, Transport , Mobiles, TV etc.


There are 4 Mazars around the village.

  • Baba Abdul Bari,
  • Saeen Fateh Muhammad sarkar
  • Baba Bullay shah
  • Syed wallait shah

Welfare Organizations

  • Fauji foundation.

Sports of the village

Vollyball, Kabbaddi, Cricket, Bantay, Akhroat, Gulli danda




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