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Jokalian جوکالیاں

Tariq Saleem Mirza

Jokalian جوکالیاں

Info Provided by: Tariq Saleem Mirza

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Jokalian the village of Tehsil Phalia district Mandi baha u din.

Nearest village:

Famous Personalities of village:

  • TARIQ SLEEM MIRZA (CHAIRMAN LOCAL Ushar zakaat Committee)
  • Ch Zafer Ullaa Tarar

Main Cost of the village:

  1. Tarkhan (Mughal)
  2. Muslim Shaikh
  3. Mahajer
  4. Mochi
  5. Naee
  6. Jatt
  7. Arraien and others
  8. Tarar

Crops of the village:

  1. Munjee
  2. Gandam
  3. Gana
  4. Bajra
  5. Makay and others


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