Kakuwal کاکووال
Kakuwal کاکووال
By: Zahid Gondal
Village Kakuwal کاکووال is in Mandi Bahauddin. It is situated on Sargodha road about 7 km from District M B Din.
Population of Village:
Population of Kakuwal is 1,100.
Neighboring Villages:
Source of Income:
Agriculture 80%
Social Personalities:
- Major Khadem Hussaiin
- Ch. Serwar Kakoana
Important Persons:
- Zahid Gondal (KSA)
- Shahid Iqbal (Punjab Police)
- Atif Hussain (Punjab Police)
- Ch. Tariq Mehmood (Police inspector)
- Haji Muhammad Abbas Gondal
- Noman Asgar
- Sohail Abbas Gondal
- Ahmad Khan ASI police
- Muhammad Farooq (police inspector Islamabad)
- Zafar Iqbal BSC (teaching in Saudi Arab)
- Ch. Sarwar Numberdar
- Ch. Javaid Numberdar Advocate
- Ch. Nazam Abbas (law in Punjab university Lahore)
- Ch. Muhammad Khan
- Muneer khan Pathan (social worker)
- Ch. Muhammad Arif (Spain)
- Khurram Shehzad Gondal (studying in Spain)
- Asad Shahzad Gondal (studying in spain)
- Professor Muhammad Rafeeq Anjum
School of the Village:
- Govt. Boys school of Kakowal
- Govt. Middle Modal Girls school Kakowal
Main crops & fruits:
- Wheat
- Rice
Free Times & Hobby:
- Cricket
- Football
- Kabaddi
May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)
Information provided by Zahid Gondal