Kamonke کامونکی
Kamonke کامونکی
Info: Munawar Hussain Dhauthar
Village Kamonke کامونکی is situated at Jokalian in tehsil Phalia, District Mandi Bahauddin on Asad Ullahpur road. Its distance from Gujrat is 27 km and Phalia is 26 Km in the West. Mangowal is in the North of the Village just 10 Km. Chenab river is in the south of the village.
There were three brothers named as Long, Narang and Thakkar. Thakkar have three childrens named as Ratti Pindi, Chahrrke, and Kamonke. Kamonke came here and started living here. So later on this village was called at the name of Kamonke.
Population of the village is round about 1,200 persons.
Area of the village is 35 Murabas
Nature of People:
People of the village are very hospitable and very hard working.
Source of Income:
Source of income of village comes from agriculture sector. Govt services and most of the people are living abroad (Spain. America, England, Middle East etc.)
Neighboring Villages:
- Asad Ullah Pur – east
- Chahrrke – wests
- Ratti Pindi – north
- Long – south
Social Personalities Of The Village:
- Gulam Haidar s/o Allah Ditta Dhauthar
- Thekedar Muhammad Ashraf s/o Nazar Muhammad Dhauthar
- Muhammad Arif s/o Bootay Khan Dhauthar
- Chaudhry Munawar s/o Muhammad Yaar Dhauthar
- Mehdi s/o Nazar Muhammad Warriach
- Muhammad Inayat s/o Hassan Muhammad
Highly Qualified Persons:
- Master Fiaz Ahmad s/o Muhammad Nazir Dhauthar
- Fauji Muhammad Akram s/o Piran Ditta
- Muhammad Nazir s/o Ghulam Haidar Dhauthar
- Muhammad Riaz s/o Ghulam Rasul Dhauthar
- Sajid Mehmood s/o Muhammad Nazir Dhauthar
- Sajid Mehmood s/o Rasheed Ahmed Warraich
There is no Govt. hospital in the village.
Main Casts
The majority casts are Tarar and Dhauthars in the village
Main crops
- Wheat
- Rice
- Sugarcane
- Vegetables
- Jamia Masjid Ghausia
There are 2 govt primary schools in the village ,one for girls and other for boys.
There is only one dara for the whole village.
Welfare Organizations:
No welfare Organization is available there for the betterment of this village .
- Volley ball
- Cricket
- Kabaddi
15-R is passing by the village
PTCL, Mobile, Internet is available in the village.
Rickshaw transport is available for the people.
May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)
Information provided by
Munawar Hussain Dhauthar