Miana Gondal میانہ گوندل
Miana Gondal میانہ گوندل
Info. by Babar Shahzad Anjum & Mukhtar Ahmad Samore
Location of Village:
Miana Gondal میانہ گوندل is 50km away from Mandi Bahauddin tehsil and 70 km away from Sargodha District. It is in south-west of city Mandi Bahauddin. In fact it is a hub among many villages. This village is the so-called the Land of Judges.
Brief History:
The old name of this village Miana gondal after the establishment of Pakistan (1947).
Nature of the people:
People of the village are very hospitable, friendly, hard working and moderate.
The area of this village is about 320 Muraba.
Neighbor Villages:
Neighbor villages are
- Waryait – East
- Chak No. 29-North
- Chak No. 28 – North
- Head faqirain – South west
- Mona depot – South west
The total population of this village is round about 30,000 (2008)
- Male – 45%
- Female – 40%
- Children’s – 15%
Major Castes:
- Samore – 10 %
- Gujjar- 5 %
- Jutt – 3 %
- Malik – 10%
- Lohar – 10%
- Muslim Shaikh – 2 %
- Other – 60%
Main Personalities:
- Abdul Reham Alvi (Ex union Nazim)
- Muhammad Iqbal Farroqi (Inspector ASF Islamabad)
- Gulzar Ahmad (Civil Judje)
- Zahoor Elahi Ranjha (Major Pak Army)
- Farooq Ahmad Ranjha (Inspector)
- Khurram Shahzad Janjhua (Advocate)
- Rana Rashid Mahmood (Advocate)
- Fazal Ahmad (Headmaster Govt. High School Miana Gondal)
- Mukhtar Ahmad Samore ( M.Sc. Maths , B.Ed. ) Principal & Chief Executive Garrison Grammar High School Mandi Bahauddin
- Colonel Dr: Naseer Ahmad Samore
Highly Educated Personalities:
- Mushtaq Ahmad Samore (M.Sc. Hons Helsinki University Finland settled in Norway)
- Mushtaq Ahmad Saddique (M.A Arabic)
- Muhammad Munsha (M.A)
- Mukhtar Ahmad (M.A)
- Colonel Dr: Naseer Ahmad Samore
- Dr. Imtiaz Ahamd Garbana (Ph.D.)
Business related personalities:
- Abdul Qudoos Khan
- Abdul Rouf Khan
- Ansar Iqbal Anjum
- Arshad Iqbal Anium
- Muneer Ahmad Bhatti
- Asif Manzoor Bhatti
- Arshad Waseem
- Nazar Hussain Minhas
- Iftikhar Ahmad
- Nasar Iqbal
- Sana Ullah Bhatti
- Nazeem Ahmad
- Muhammad Afzal
- Sarfraz Ahmad
- Nasir Tabusam
- Mobashar Ali
- Khawaja Muhammad Younas
- Khawaja Muhammad Arshad
- Asghar Jutt (Hardware)
- Riaz (Hardware)
- Malik Farooq (Taaj Karyana)
- Malik Arshad (Karyana)
- Muhammad Shoaib (Painter)
- Mushtaq Ahmad (Cloth House)
- Haji Ramzan (Guarder and T-R)
- Allah Baksh Javed (cloth house)
Well settled people of my village abroad are:
- Malik Liquit (America)
- Kohbaib Manzoor Bhatti (America)
- Amjad Gujjar (Spain)
- Mohsan Shahzad (Saudi Arabia)
- Ansar Mehood (Dubai)
- Hammad Ashraf Bahatti (Masqat)
Source of Income:
Almost 50% population of this village is attached with agriculture sector. Rest 10% work in factories, 20% business, 10% government 10% Private and very few are transporters.
One main bazaar and Twenty sub bazaars
There are 15 mosques in the village and if include all other small mosques then this figure goes upto 4. There are Four Madrassas as well in the village.
There are some govt schools are Three private schools in the village these are
- GHS Miana Gondal
- GPS Miana Gondal
- GGHSS Miana Gondal
- AL Saddique public school
- Jamaia model middle school
- New Age public high school
There is one govt hospital in the union council base MIANA GONDAL. There is one animal hospital in the union council base Miana Gondal,
In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, PTCL Phones and Mobile Phones with services of all the Telecom companies are present in almost every house. Few homes in the village also possess COMPUTERS in them very rare people use internet.
Village is located on the Main Road. People of the village travel on Buses, Vans from Main Bus Stop or other two stops. They also travel on Riksha for Pahrianwali. Car, Motor Cycles and Cycles are very common in the village which are used to go towards their lands or near by areas.
Flora and Fauna:
As the area is very productive both animals and plants love to stay here. Domestic animals of the village are
- Buffalos (bhainsein)
- Cows and Bulls (gaey aur bael)
- Sheeps (bhairain)
- Goats (bakrian)
- Horses (ghoray)
- Donkeys (gadhay)
- Dogs (kutay)
- Cats (Bilian)
- Hens (murgean)
- Rabbits (khargosh)
- Pigeons (kabutar)
- Fishes (in forms)
- Ducks (batkhain)
As the land of the villagers is 1 to 5 Km from the village and it is very much close to LOAIR JEHLUM therefore a lot of area is available for wild animals. Wild animals found in the villagers land are:
- Jackals (geedarr)
- Snakes (saanp)
- Pigs (sours)
- Wild Cats (jangly billay)
- Fishes of many types
- Tortoises (kachhway)
- Parrots (totay)
- Sparrows and Finches (chirian)
- Sea Gulls (baglay)
- Wild Ducks (murgabian)
Village land is very much fertile, availability of water is enough although soil not suitable for GYMNOSPERMS and FERNS but ANGIOSPERMS are very much common in the village which include both ornamental and wild. Important plant of the village are as under:
- Acacia species (kikar)
- Dalbergia sisso (tahli)
- Rosa indica (gulab)
- Orange species (maltay aur methhay)
- Guava (amrood)
- Mangoes (aam)
- Gomi (dhraik)
- Bamboo (Baance).
Main Crops of the Village:
- Wheat
- Rice
- Sugar cane
- Cricket
- Volley Ball
- Kabaddi
- Gulli Danda
May Allah Bless This Village
Information Provided By
- Babar Shahzad Anjum
- Mukhtar Ahmad Samore
Last Edit: July, 2014
My father Altaf Alvi (Retired PAF)
I am Usman Alvi -Bsc Engineering UET Lahore.
Lead Engineer
I am settled abroad with family from 15years almost.
And shifted to Lahore.
Very nice village miana gondal
Gulistan Ahmad Ranjha s/o Gulzar Ahmad Ranjha is Director of Workers Welfare Fund (WWF) in Islamabad who belongs to Miana Gondal.
میانہ گوندل میں زاتی دشمنیوں میں کافی گھر برباد ہو چکے ہیں بہت سے خوبصورت نوجوان اس کا شکار ہوۓ ہیں۔ سب دعا کریں اللہ پاک ہمارے میانہ گوندل اور پورے ملک میں قتل وغارت کو ختم کر دے اور سب لوگ پیار اور محبت سے رہیں۔ آمین
My big Brother Dr imtiaz Ahamd Garbana belong from Garbana Dara MianaGondal he is PhD (Scholar) of Human Physiology,M.phil (physiology) B.H.M.S.,B.Sc., D.H.M.S., he is currently appointed as Lecturer of Physiology in dept.of Doctor of physical Therapy.in The University of Lahore (Gujarat campus) Pakistan, he also running own clinic of Homeopathy,where deal the gastroenterological and Liver disorders,and well experience in Viral Hepatitis C cure.i have number of patients records of HCV PCR not detected of my Homeopathic oral medication and also for Liver health. Please add my brother name in Highly educated personalities list Thanks
Thank you for writing us. Please share their one image, we will add their name in “Famous People Of Mandi Bahauddin” list. Please write more detail about him and send us at news.mbdin@gmail.com
Salam sir Im Awarish Bahzad Gondal Garbana From Miana Gondal dara Garbana
I am an entrepreneur I have business in Pakistan and in Europe My business in the name of Natural Sea foods Pakistan is running in Pakistan And my business in the name Group Of ABG is running in England
I am currently living abroad
Very nice effort please Carry on