Mong مونگ
Mong مونگ
Location of the village
Village Mong is located in the north of Tehsil & Distt M.B.Din. The distance of the village from the capital city Islamabad is 150 KMs approx. and from the provincial capital Lahore is 200 KMs approx. and 6 KMs from the District M.B.Din. It’s a beautiful village because at the back it is surrounded by beautiful mountain of Khewra < and River Jhelum and in front of it canal lower Jhelum. You can also find. Short range of “Bela”or jungle at its northwestern side. One of its other specialty is village is situated on “Tibba” means very high from sea level.
History of the village
Mong is a very historical village. Its history goes back to the times of Alexander the great. In that time Raja Pores was the ruler of this area who fought against the great warrior very bravely with his arms and the flock of elephants because of that the great warrior Alexander faced much difficulty to defeat Raja Pores who was defeated first time ever and he was asked by the Alexander “ What should be your penalty.” Raja Pores replied, “The penalty which should be given to a King by the other King.”
From this village 112 people went to the Great War 1939-1945, 6 out of them gave up their lives. For detail History see here
Population of the village
Population of the village is minimum 35,000 to 40,000.
Nature of the people of the village
The people of the village are very friendly and co-operative not only for each other but to those also who visits this village.
Source of income.
Most of the people are related to the agriculture so that is the main source of income to the people of the village. People in civil service and abroad. 15 % of the total population is in civil service and 10% of the total population is settled in abroad.
Nearby villages
Kotli Afghanan and River Jhelum located in North, Meerkhan in the west, Lakhnawala, Saheedanwali in East-South, Kharlanwala and Pindi Bahauddin in the south.
Main casts
Rajput , Rajgan , Joiya , Bhole , Maher , Waraich , Gondal , Bhatti , Jhuj , Baryar , Dhudra , Manj , Ghug , Khokhar etc.
Social Personalities of the Village
- Raja Ghulam Rasul (U.C Nazim)
- Dr. Nazir Ahmad (Ex Nazim UC Mong)
- Ch. Ghulam Qadir Jhuj (Principal NGVS Mong)
- Raja Mohammad Anwar
- Ansar Mehmood Councilor
- Ch. Riaz Ahmad Baora
- Rana Sharafat Ali
- Raja Mohammad Hayat (Ex Chairman UC Mong)
- Jahangir Khan Bhatti
- Raja Mohammad Boota
- Ch. Mazhar Iqbal Jhuj (Chairperson CCB Mong)
- Khushi Mohammad Ghug
- CH Riaz Ahmad Jhuj
- Rana Zulifqar Ali Numberdar
- Ch. Mubasher Naeem Jhuj
Social Personalities of the Village in Past
- Molvi Allah Ditta (Late)
- CH Ali Muhammad Jhuj ( Late , Ex-Chairman UC MONG )
- Hafiz Ghulam Mustafa (Late)
- Haji Ahmad Din Thekaidar (Late)
- Malik Ghulam Ahmad (Late)
- Rana Shamshad Ali (Late)
- Ch. Mehboob Aalam (Late)
- Rana Shamshad Ali Numberdar (Late)
Highly Qualified Personalities of the Village
- Malik Amjad (Joint secetary , Govt of Pakistan Islamabad)
- Prof. Dr. Mohammad Afzal Malik & Family
- Muhammad Mansha Khan (Msc MASS. communication)
- Khan Mohammad Johar (M.A, M.Ed)
- Ch Gulam Qadir Jhuj (Principal NGVS)
- Master Sultan Mehmood (M.A English)
- Dr. Raja Masud Ahmad (MBBS, Heart Specialist)
- Raja Khalid Mehmood M.A , M.Ed)
- Rana Abdul Jabbar (MSc Economics)
- Malik Altaf Hussain (Ex S.S.T GHS, Mong)
- Dr Raja Ulfat Bashir (MBBS Dental Surgeon)
- Major Rana Liaqat Ali (Pak Army Education Core, ZOB)
- Rana Sadaqat Ali Advocate (B.A, LLB, PU)
- Raja Muhammad Shareef (D.S.P)
- Fidak Basheer M.A History (Oxford University UK)
- Afzaal Ahmad (Flight Lieutenant PAF)
Schools and Colleges in the Village
- Govt. Commerce College for Boys mong
- Govt. Degree College mong for Girls
- Govt. Higher Secondary School mong for Boys
- Govt. Higher Secondary School mong for Girls
- Govt. Vocational Training Institute mong.
- Govt. College of Technology College Rasul. (Which is in fact one of the oldest educational institute in the sub-continent established in 1906.)
- New Global Village School Mong.
- Green Public School Mong.
Social Welfare Organizations in the Village
There are no registered social organization in the village but some groups of young boys are working for the welfare of the people. Badshah Company is one of them which is very popular among the people of the village.
- Mong Welfare Organization
- Chairperson ( Dr Nazir Ahmad Baryar , Ex-Nazim UC Mong ),
- President ( CH Babar Adeel Jhuj ),
- Chief Secetary ( CH Kashif Riaz Baora ),
- Secetary ( CH Atif Bashir Baryar )
- Chief Organizar, ( CH Irfan Riaz Baryar ).
This Organization has nominated and under-construction it will serve this village by heart and soul
- Badshah And Company Chairman ( Ansar Mehmood ).
Main Persons devoted for the welfare of the Village are
M. Arshad, Raja Sajjad Anwar, Malik Zahid Masud, Waqas Humair Vicky, Ishtiaq Ahmad, Zafar Iqbal Mirza, Aamir Farooq, Rana Amir Zulfiqar, Tariq Mehmood Prince, Ch Yousaf Joiya.
Popular games of the Village:
Shooting Ball, Cricket, Foot Ball, Kabaddi, Kushti,
People of Mong like all kind of games and other social activities that’s why crime ratio and other social problems are minor.
Parks and Canals
This village is surrounded between one big canal on South , and River Jehlum on the North. Also Rasul Barrage is not far away from village and there are some natural lakes near to the Village. Also a lot of natural scenary around the village.
The history writer hasn’t know whereabouts of families which my be confirmed at google the the main tribe of Mong are Arain, Khokhar and Jat (Bhool) not jhugh the three families are very famous in Mong i.e Muhammadke Arain Numberdar Jhundyke Bhool and Jevake khokhar. These families have many personalities most respectable then noted by you. As you haven’t know the three time chairman Ch. Ali Ahmad Arain this is only person but not notable why? However your grandpa was chairman for only three months, I am along with many others more respectable and Notable Social personality than your Father and uncles but you didn’t know.
The history writer hasn’t know whereabouts of families which my be confirmed at google the the main tribe of Mong are Arain, Khokhar and Jat (Bhool) not jhugh the three families are very famous in Mong i.e Muhammadke Arain Numberdar Jhundyke Bhool and Jevake khokhar. These families have many personalities most respectable then noted by you. As you haven’t know the three time chairman Ch. Ali Ahmad Arain this is only person but not notable why? However your grandpa was chairman for only three months, I am along with many others more respectable and Notable Social personality than your Father and uncles but you didn’t know.
My I asked the jury who decided the social personalities of union council mong?
I am also graduate of Engineering Technology in civil discipline (16th Years Education from HEC) and my cousin Mahr Arshad Advocate but we aren’t qualified my 1st Cousin Mr. Afzaal Ahmad is Squadron Leader not flight lieutenant how ever my grandpa was Ch Sardar Khan Numberdar was 1st Educated from Lahore before 1900. It is for your information that our old house is at the top of tibba having about 4 kanal land that can be checked every time.
I am fanatically awaiting your reply as I know that you were born in Mandi Bahauddin and don’t know the History and Personalities of Town that can be confirmed from each & every person i.e. Resident of Union Council Mong. You have written the history of a Family along with family friends which isn’t true picture of the Town.
The noted Highly educated personalities FA and others degree holders aren’t from ranked universities however notable I think that they are “Not able” therefore please rewrite the personalities based on confirmed information.
The Cheema, Tarar, Kashmiri and Awan (Kotla & Jhatela) Cast are also avaible in Mong and more then several noted casts i.e. Jhug cast etc.
I am still awaiting the Name of Jury that nominated/decided the Social & Highly qualified Personality of the Union Council Mong moreover I also asked that what is the merit of Selection of the Social & Highly qualified Personality?
Asslamu alikum
According to my point of view this person was only collect data from internet not meet any prominent person of mong thats why he cant express the complete history and detail of my lovely and historic village.
Any how i appreciate him for this work.
need more information which only can get from old persons(bazurgs) of different families. Em surely say that they cooprate him and his team.
My self also available for this work.
zaheer qamar (m.phil mathematics, SST)
Mr. Zaheer Qamer Mirza you are a young man and also don’t know the history and personalities of the Mong you may asked from your parent that the writer has only write the family history just a joke below:
A Radio Compare asked to actor Kafi that;
Who is best actor?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best mosikar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best Gulokar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Than the Compare said that you don’t know Noor Jahan, Lata, Rafi and Medhi Hassan
Mr. Zaheer Qamer Mirza you are a young man and also don’t know the history and personalities of the Mong you may asked from your parent that the writer has only write the family history just a joke below:
A Radio Compare asked to actor Kafi that;
Who is best actor?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best mosikar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best Gulokar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Than the Compare said that you don’t know Noor Jahan, Lata, Rafi and Medhi Hassan
Mr. Zaheer Qamer Mirza you are a young man and also don’t know the history and personalities of the Mong you may asked from your parent that the writer has only write the family history just a joke below:
A Radio Compare asked to actor Kafi that;
Who is best actor?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best mosikar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best Gulokar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Than the Compare said that you don’t know Noor Jahan, Lata, Rafi and Medhi Hassan.
Cell No .3335484946
Mr. Zaheer Qamer Mirza you are a young man and also don’t know the history and personalities of the Mong you may asked from your parent that the writer has only write the family history just a joke below:
A Radio Compare asked to actor Kafi that;
Who is best actor?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best mosikar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Who is best Gulokar?
He replied Bhai Jan (Inayat Hussain)
Than the Compare said that you don’t know Noor Jahan, Lata, Rafi and Medhi Hassan.
Cell No .3335484946
Agree to comments of brother Khizar Hayat with few minor exceptions. Many years back my authenticated and well researched write stayed on this site but then was removed for the best reasons know to the admin. Present one, represents poor coverage of my village, the worst grammer and is quite childish narrative and incorrect picture. I request that very write oc mine should be posted back and then viewers can suggest the changes if needed. By the ways the History of Mong on Google is hard work of me and my son Tayyab. Anyways if it is not made part of this site (reasons I know and admin too) that will appear in my book being launched soon. Salams and Prayers
Admin if you need any help to readdress and give authentic touch to the site of our village Mong then you may contact through my email. Otherwise stay happy with your vision of highly incorrect and biased coverage. Thanks.
known, of**
Following is the initiative and hard work of my son Muhammad Tayyab Ayyub Kulla. He contributed to it for years.,_Punjab
Thanks!to Mr. Engr. Capt. Ayyub Kulla for agree on my comments and also thanks to start the discussion on the issue of highly incorrect and biased coverage of my village Mong, it is worth mentioning here that the list of educated, respectable & social personalities can’t completed without the name of Mr. Engr. Capt. Ayyub Kulla, Col. Javed Sherazi, Maj. Hassan etc.
Admin! I am still awaiting for your positive response to correct the history of our village Mong and if you need any help to readdress and give authentic touch the site to correct the highly incorrect and biased coverage of our village Mong’ then you may contact me or Engr. Capt. Ayyub Kulla through email. Otherwise stay happy with your vision of highly incorrect and biased coverage. Thanks.
السلام علیکم۔ جناب ممکن ہے۔ انفارمیشن مکمل کرنے میں ہماری مدد کریں۔ نا مکمل معلومات ہمیں پر ای میل کریں۔ ہم بہت جلد اسے اپ ڈیٹ کر دیں گے۔ شکریہ
Dear Admin. Thank you for asking the information of our village. But you had it all earlier as it stayed for few months on this very site. Anyways I will again send you some time later as Ramadan and writing a book keeps me busy and my health issues too. You can remind me please after few weeks.
It will be unfair not to mention or say not supporting the views of brother Khizar Hayat Lumberdar in response to my previous submissions. Salams and Prayers.
Allah may make you feel better
We will be glad to update the information. Please write us on
Just now I have sent quite an authentic history of MONG almost 5 pages. Waiting for that it gets published, pleas.
Dear Admin, do visit this link:,_Punjab
Dear Admin
It is almost 5 years that the quite balanced and unbiased history was sent to you, unfortunately that has not
been published so far replacing the present one. Please contact brother Khizar Hayat Numberdar, Rana Sharafat Ali Khan and other seniors.
Salams and Prayers
Ayyub Kulla