Pindi Kaloo
Info. provided by, Amir Irfan Joya (Ghanian)
Village Pindi Kaloo historical and latest information
- Pindi Kaloo is a village in Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan . It is located 16 kilometers from Phalia in the direction of Gujraat.
Pindi Kaloo has all basic facilities; hospital, schools, telephones and good roads with transport to the nearest city Phalia andPharianwali .
Most of the people are farmers by profession but since a couple of years ago, a lot of people have been employed in European countries, which has raised people’s life style. There are two main crops; rice and wheat. Local farmers make lot of money from ‘Colonel Basmati’ brand rice. The literacy rate is also going up, specially in women
Social Personalities of the Village:
- Ch Gulam rasool tarar
- Ch amjad hussain tarar advocate
- Ch Azhar mehmod tarar captain army
- Syed Azmat hussain shah
- Syed safder hussain Shah
- Syed sager hussain shah
- Ch mazhar iqbal cheema MBBS
- Ch bawo cheema
- Muhammad rasheed rajpot
- Muhammad Aslam rajpot
Highly Qualified Personalities of the Village:
Ch Amjad hussain tarar advocate
Ch Azhar mehmod tarar army caption
Syed azmat hussain
Syed zafar hussain
Ch mazhar iqbal Cheema mbbs
Means Of Earning
Majority of the peoples earn their livelihood through agriculture. Few peoples are in Government services and among them most are in WAPDA and ARMY. Now there is trend among the youth to go abroad that’s why many peoples of the village are found in France,Spain, Greece, Itlay, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia, Muscat etc. in search of their earning.
Schools and Colleges in the village
- Govt boys primary school
- Govt girls primary school
- Govt boys Middle school and highi school
- Govt girls Middle and Highi school
Bazars And Markets
A good Bazars and Markets are present in the village and provideing everything of the daily use.
Health Facilities
There is one hospital in the village and many clinic are present wich are runing by health related servant.above 20 female of the village are working as a health worker she are creating awareness in females about health related problems.Now after guidance females are very much aware of pregnancy and birth etc.
Media Facilities
In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, PTCL Phones and Mobile Phones with services of all the Telecom companies are present in almost every house.
plants of the village
1. Acacia species (kikar)
2. Dalbergia sisso (tahli)
3. Rosa indica (gulab)
4. Orange species (maltay aur methhay)
5. Guava (amrood)
6. Mangoes (aam)
7. Gomi (dhraik)
8. Bamboo (Baance)
Main Crops
Land of this village is very fertile almost every crop of the world can be grown here.People use peter engins for irrigation purposes. Major crops of the village are
1. Wheat (gandam)
2. Rice (chawal)
3. Corn (mukai)
4. Potato (aalo)
5. Barley (jao)
6. Sugar Cane (kamad)
7. Sweet Pea (mator)
8. Chicken Pea (chana)
9. All Vegetables etc.
10. Tobbacco
Flora and Fauna
As the area is very productive both animals and plants love to stay here.
Domestic animals of the village are:
1. Buffalos (bhainsein)
2. Cows and Bulls (gaey aur bael)
3. Sheeps (bhairain)
4. Goats (bakrian)
5. Horses (ghoray)
6. Donkeys (gadhay)
7. Dogs (kutay)
8. Cats (Bilian)
9. Hens (murgean)
10. Rabbits (khargosh)
11. Pigeons (kabutar)
12. Fishes (in forms)
13. Ducks (batkhain)
Nearest Villages
Jono ki
Chuk zahar
Main Castes
_______________________________________________________________ Sports
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السلام علیکم پلیز میرے گاؤں کے بارے میں کچھ نئی اپڈیٹ کر دیں یہ جو اپڈیٹ ہے بہت زیادہ پرانی ہے بہت شکریہ سر اپ کی اس انفارمیشن کا جزاک اللہ