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Rerka bala Mandi Bahauddin

Mandi Bahauddin rerka bala village

Rerka bala village Mandi Bahauddin Problems and information voice over Amir Joya


  • Assalam o Alaikum
    . Rerka Bala village ki history ko Thora update kar den
    Rerka Bala village mn 4 Mohally hn ji k nam ye hn
    1..Sidiq e akbar
    2.. Umar bin khatab
    3… Usman ghani
    4… Ali ul Murtaza
    In ko b history mn shamil kar den

  • Rerka Bala is a big village consisting of more than 25000 population. It is a historical village. Its history begins from Sikh dynasty in Punjab. Here archeological signs of Sikhs living has also been found. In 17th – 18th century it was just located on the bank of Chenab River however, with the passage of time and natural calamities the river has moved away about 20 – 25 KM.

    The main business of the residents is agriculture and livestock farming as well as Government and private jobs. People have good talent for private business like private schools, small trades and dairy products.

    People are nice, sober, cultured, religious and have great passion for the education of their kids. Religious education and practices are common. Mostly people are connected with Tableeghi Jamat so, they are humble, kind and tolerant for each other that is highly appreciable.

    Rerka Bala has many mandatory facilities like;
    1- Government Boys High School
    2- Government Girls High School
    3- Rural Health Center
    4- Post Office
    5- Police Chowki
    6- PTCL Exchange & DSL Service
    7- Agriculture Office
    8- Veterinary Hospital
    9- National Bank of Pakistan
    10- WAPDA Office
    11- Private Schools
    12- Private Boys & Girls College

    In Rerka Bala there are about 10 Jam-e-Masjads. The oldest Masjad is “Jam-e-Usmania” which is about more 200 years old. The former Imam Masjad Hafiz Ghulam Nabi Marhoom (RA) and Khateeb Molana Rafiq Marhoom (RA) of Jam-e-Usmania played vital role in the religious and informal education of the residents. Molana Rafiq Marhoom (RA) was certified Dars-e-Nizami of Mudrassah-e-Duband, India. They were sincere with their cause and mission to educate the people. Later on Molana Idrees Marhoom (RA), Khateeb of Jam-e-Abbasia, well played his role to extend the mission of Hafiz Ghulam Nabi Marhoom (RA) and Molana Rafiq Marhoom (RA). May Allah Almighty bless their souls with Jannat-ul-Firdos, Ameen.

    Due to religious background of Rerka Bala and its residents, Mohallas have been named after the names of Khulafa-i-Rashdeen and Sahabah-e-Karam (Razi Allah Anhum Ajmaeen). There is a good religious harmony among the residents. There are many Hafiz and Qari in the village. People are tolerant and patient for each other and opposite sects.

    The development of Rerka Bala and attainment of basic facilities started in 19th century with the efforts of Marhoom Hafiz Ghulam Nabi (RA). He had a great passion to develop his village and residents. Even in his very old age of 90s he used to visit Government Offices to manage facilities for his village. With his sincere and great efforts he succeeded to get basic facilities of Schools, Bank, Electricity, Road, Post Office etc. He was real Hero and Baba-i-Rerkians. May Allah Almighty shower countless blessings upon his grave, Ameen.

    Later on one of the students of Marhoom Hafiz Ghulam Nabi (RA), Mr. Arshad Shahid Saheb, taken up and continued the great & sacred mission of his great teacher & spiritual father of development of his village. He also has great passion, will and true spirit to develop his village and residents. Due the sincere efforts of Mr. Arshad Shahid Saheb many new facilities have been achieved for Rerka Bala like; Government Girls High School, Agriculture Office, Veterinary Hospital, Post Office, DSL Service, Rural Health Center, ATM Machine, Computer Labs in Boys & Girls High Schools and state of the art Boundary Walls of Boys School & its Play Grounds. He is role model for the youngsters. May Allah Almighty bless him with the best reward ever, Ameen.

    Nowadays there is a great thirst and competition of education in the youngsters and their parents. So, literacy rate is very high as compared to the other nearby villages of this area. Parents work hard and strive for the quality education of their children. Parent happily curtail their needs to teach their kids in the best schools, colleges and universities. Due to the efforts of parents and students many youngsters have been succeeded to get jobs in many renowend Government and private departments. If this effort of education continues then the future of Rerka Bala and Rerkians surely will be very Brighter and Prosperous, Insha Allah.

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