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Tag: 25 december day 2023

Public Holiday Has Been Declared On September 1

25 December Public Holiday In Pakistan on Quaid Day

25 December Public Holiday

25 December will be a public holiday in Pakistan on the occasion of Quaid Day. Government employees will enjoy 3 holidays. Because all federal departments are closed on Saturday and Sunday which is December 23 and 24. The Quaid Day holiday will fall on Monday, December 25, giving government employees 3 days off.

According to the public holiday schedule for the year 2023 released by the Cabinet Division earlier this year, December 25, which falls on a Monday, has been designated as a off across the country. This applies to both Quaid-e-Azam Day and Christmas.

State Bank of Pakistan is also closed on December 25 every year. In Pakistan, December 25 is celebrated as the birthday of Quaid-i-Azam.

December 23rd and 24th is a bank holiday on Saturday and Sunday. On December 25 (Monday), Banks will remain closed on due to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s birthday holiday. In this way, all the banks in Pakistan will remain closed for 3 days.