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Tag: Bekhewal


Bhekheywala بھیکھے والا

Bhekheywala بھیکھے والا

Info by: Rana Azmat Ali

(Note: – if anybody want to include any further valuable information in it, He will be most welcomed)


Village Bhekheywala بھیکھے والا or Bhekhewal is 17KM away from Phalia city and 3KM away from Bhoa Hassan. It located on Bherowal Phalia road. Having fast transport facility.

Bhekhewal is a little bit scattered village; include some small mohalaas e.g. Yousf abaad Basti at 2KM from main road and Ahli aala at 1KM from main road.

Yousbabaad basti:

It is connected with main village through a road.

Ahli aala:

It is also connected with main village through a road.

Neighbors villages:-


It is very old village before the time of Partition 1947.

Founder of village:-

Name of village (Bhekhey waal) is on the name of any person with name Bhikha.


Its population is almost 5000 currently. Yousbabaad basti population is 500.

Nature of People:-

People of Bhekhey waal are gentleman and energetic. They are hard worker.

Source of income:

People work in different field.

  • Agriculture
  • Abroad
  • Govt. Employee
  • Business
  • Forces



Highly Qualified Personalities:-

  1. Asif Gondal (B.A Abroad)
  2. Nawaz Lumberdar (B.A Farmer)
  3. Nazar Maar Master (M.A Teacher)
  4. Rana Amjad Raffique (F.A Policeman)
  5. Rana Shafiq Raffiq (F.A Policeman)
  6. Rana Tariq (F.A Policeman)
  7. Khurram Shahzad (M.Com) Branch Manager in Allied Bank
  8. Master Kaif Irfani
  9. Aurangzaib Gondal (Magistrate)
  10. Armaghan Musqat Gondal (Inspector Punjab Police)
  11. Rana Amjad (ASI Punjab Police)
  12. Ahsan Ullah Gondal (Advocate)

Social Personalities:-

  • Ch. Annar Khan Rowana
  • Ch. Ashraf Rowana
  • Ch. Saleha Muhammad Gondal
  • Rana Ashraf Chuhan S/O Nabi Bakhash
  • Ashiq Qureshi Singer
  • Rana Badar Munir
  • Ch Tariq Ameer (vice Chairman Uc boha hassan, CEO at Ameer Sons transportation)
  • Ch Khalid Ameer (Chairman in WAPDA)
  • Ch Abid Ameer (Food Inspector in Islamabad)
  • Abid Mehmood Rehmani

Main Castes:

There are following castes living in Bhekeywal.

  • Rowana
  • Rajpute
  • Chuhaan
  • Gondal
  • Arain
  • Tarkhan
  • Malik-Teli
  • Qureshi
  • Muslim Sheikh
  • Deendar
  • Dhabey
  • Machi
  • Bhutta
  • Mirza
  • Mughal
  • Ranjha
  • Rana
  • Miane

Social Welfare Societies:

  1. Al Islamia Welfare
  2. Markazi Melad Committee

Main Crops:

There are following crops which are cultivated in Bhekewal:

  1. Sugar Can
  2. Rice
  3. Wheat
  4. Jute
  5. Bajra
  6. Cotton


  • Mango
  • Banana
  • Guava
  • Jamen
  • Water Melon



There are two schools:-

  1. Govt. Elementary School
  2. Govt. Girls High School
  3. One school is issued by authority in Yousbabaad basti but that is not started still now.


  • One mosque in center of village
  • One mosque in Yusbabad basti (Masjid Al Madina)


There is an old darbar with name Peer Jagna


  1. Cricket
  2. Volleyball
  3. Guli Danda
  4. Kabaddi
  5. Wrestling


There is deficiency of High Schools for both girls and boys. They are issued but still not started. Boys go Bhoa Hassan for study after primary and most of the girls stop their study after middle due this problem.

May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)

کسی بھی قسم کی درستگی کیلئے ہم سے رابطہ کریں۔ شکریہ

Information provided by Rana Azmat Ali
