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Tag: Burj Ghanian

Burj Ghanian

Burj Ghanian برج گھنیاں

Burj Ghanian برج گھنیاں


Village Burj Ghanian برج گھنیاں or Burj Ghanaian is also in tehsil Phalia, district Mandi Bahauddin. Its at link road of Ranmal to Qadir Abad.


Four families came from village Ghanian .Those were the sons of Murad Bakhash. Named as Rakhsa, Panah Sattar, Qaim Kot And Mahn. These came here before the Govt of Ranjeet singh. Qaim Kot was Gondal but Panah Sattar, Rakhsa were from Tarar foamily. Gondal came from Sohawa and Helan and are living here. Burj Ghanian is established round about 200 years before.


Population of the village is round about 1,300 persons.


26 Muraba

Neighboring Villages:

Social personalities of the village:

  1. Ghulam Qadir s/o Jalal Gondal
  2. Ahmed Ali s/o Shah Muhammad Tarar
  3. Lal Khan s/o Palla Khan Tarar
  4. Rafaqat Ali s/o Akbar

Highly qualified persons:

  1. Shoaib Akhtar s/o Muhamamd Iqbal (Advocate)
  2. Lal Khan s/o Pallay Khan (D.S railway)
  3. Muhammad Iqbal s/o Lal Khan (Brigadier Army)
  4. Muhamamd Walait s/o Lal Khan
  5. Muhamamd Ijaz s/o Ahmed Ali (Germany)
  6. Zafar Iqbal s/o Ghulam Qadir (France)
  7. Shareef s/o Imam Deen (dubai)
  8. Sajid iqbal  s/o Ali Bahadar (Saudia)
  9. Muahammad Afzal s/o Muhammad Hayyat (Saudia)
  10. Muhammad Basharat s/o Muhammad Akbar (Kuwait)

Nature of the people:

People of the village are very hospitable, friendly, hard working, and moderate.

Source of income:

Source of income of village comes agriculture sector, Govt services and most of the people are living abroad (Spain, America, England, middle east etc.)


There is no govt hospital in the village.

Main casts:

  • Tarar 80%
  • Gondal 20 %

Main crops:

  • Wheat
  • Rice
  • Sugarcane
  • Bajara
  • Jawar


Education Sector:

  1. Govt Primary school for girls
  2. Govt Primary School for Boys


  • Jamia Masjid
  • Masjid Sagheer


  • Rukan e Alim sahib

Fish form

60 acre fish form is in the area of Burj Ghanian


Muhamamd Nawaz s/o Ghulam Qadir, (bricks company)


  • Tv
  • Mobile
  • PTCL
  • Internet


Canal R-15 passes by the village .which comes from Chooknawali and ends at Thatta khan Muhammad. Canal 14 -R is also passing by the village.


  1. Volleyball
  2. Cricket
  3. Kabaddi

May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)

Information Provided By

Ahmed Ali and Ghulam Qadir

Burj Ghanian