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Tag: dougal

Duggal – Dugall – Dougal- دوگل

Dougall دوگل


Village Dugall is located in District Mandi Bahauddin. It is away from District Mandi Bahauddin upto 25 KM and 3 KM from Tehsil Phalia.

Area of the Village

Total area of the village is about 108 squares that is about 2700 acres in which no one in the village contain more than 30 acres so no one is a big fish but it is almost equally distributed among prominent families.

Neighbouring Villages

Neighboring villages of Dougall are Phalia, Kot Hamid Shah, Seeray, Bumbli, etc.


It is not a very big village only about 300 houses are in it and about 1800 peoples live in them. All the population of the village is Muslim among them all are SUNNY except some houses that is of SHIA. No non-Muslim is there in the village.

Registered voters

The number of registered voters in the village is 850 among them almost half of them are of female voters. Although village is small but at the time of election village splits into three parts. Each group tries to cast votes against each other. At the time of BD elections both males and females cast vote but at National and Provincial Assembly elections only males cast their votes.

Major Castes

Major casts of the village are:
1. Gondal
2. Warraich
3. Mughal
4. Nai
5. Tarkhan
6. Kumhar
7. Machhi
8. Lohaar
9. Mochi

Famous Personalities

Important personalities of the village are as follows:

  1. Muhammad Azam (Secartory Peer Biniyameen Shah) France
  2. Muhammad Iftikhar Sahi (Caption of Kabaddi Team)
  3. Late Ali Ahmed Cheema (Numberdar)
  4. Muhammad Hayat Cheema (Numberdar)
  5. Ch. Shahid Imran Cheema (Second Caption Of Kabaddi Team) {0342-6550682}
  6. Ch Muhammad Sarfraz Cheema (Chairman Zakat Committee)
  7. Muhammad Inayat (Army rtd)
  8. Fiaz Ahmed Cheema (Bricks Company)
  9. Hakeem Mian Mukhtaar Ahmed
  10. Dr. Kamraan (Member Zakat Committee)
  11. Abdull Rehman Pathan (Kabaddi Coach)
  12. Mian Muhammad Rafique (Q.S , F.A)
  13. Ch.Walyat Cheema (Dealore Fiat Trucktor Zarai Bank)
  14. Ghazi Master Aman ULLAH
  15. Shamreez Cheema (City Petrol Pump) {0300-7744125}
  16. Mian Muhammad Yaqoob 
  17. Mian Ismail Gondal
  18. Muhammad Nazir Warraich

Highly Qualified Persons

The literacy rate is good :

1.  Muhammad Anaar (Islamabad Trafic Police)

2.  Muhammad Asghar Cheema (Punjab Police M.B.Din)

3.  Dr. Muhammad Mubshar (Dispensor)

4.  Amir Shahzad (Q.S) U.A.E

5.  Muhammad Yousaf Sialvi (Q.S) AJK

6.  Mian Sajjad (Science Teacher)

7.  Dr. Ijaz Ahmed Cheema (Dispensor) Spain

8.  Hakeem Mian Saddique Ahmed (Fazil-e-Tibb)

9.  Dr. Afzaal Ahmad Cheema (M.Phil) 

Means Of Earning

Majority of the peoples earn their livelihood through agriculture. Few peoples are in Government services and among them most are in WAPDA and ARMY. Now there is trend among the youth to go abroad thats why many peoples of the village are found in France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia, Muscat etc. in search of their earning.

Way of living

Peoples of the village live a simple life. They have very friendly behavior. Peoples are very much hostile, peaceful and sincere. Except few black sheeps vulgarity is an uncommon thing. People of the village go to their lands to care their cattles and crops and come back in the evening so they have a very busy life. Young boys play Cricket, Volly Ball or play cards in their extra time. Peoples of the village remains careful about fight and misbehavior because if any body do a little mistake other party persons quickly report to the police at THANA PHALIA.

Bazars And Markets

No Bazars or Markets are present in the Village Some General stores (Karyana shops) are present which provide commodities of daily use. Peoples have to go M.B.Din for major shopping and to Phalia for minor shopping.

General Store are:

    • Ramzan General Store
    • Usama General Store
    • Inayat General Store
    • Choudary General Store
    • Rehmat General Store
    • Yaqoob General Store (Jild Saaz)
    • Mubashar Medical Store
    • Mukhtaar Medical Store
    • Siddique Medical Store


There are total Five mosques in the village, two are Jamias in the main village.


There are two shrines in the village. These are of two brothers.

Schools and Education

Literacy rate of the village is much better. Almost every child of the village goes to school. There are five shools in the village:

There are also three Private Schools in the Village.

Health Facilities                

There is no hospital but five clinics in the village. One female of the village is working as a Health Worker. She is creating awareness in females about health related problems. Now after her guidance females are very much aware of pregnancy and birth etc. Generally peoples get medicine of minor diseases from Dougall and of major from Phalia or M.B.Din.

Medical Store’s

There is Five Medical Store’s:


Village is located almost 3.0 KM towards south from Phalia. People of the village travel on Buses, Vans, Rickshaws from Dougall Bus Stop. Motor Cycles and Cycles are very common in the village which are used to go towards their lands or near by areas.

Media Facilities

In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, PTCL Phones and Mobile Phones with services of all the Telecom companies are present in almost every house. Few homes in the village also possess COMPUTERS in them very rare people use internet.

Flora and Fauna

As the area is very productive both animals and plants love to stay here.

Domestic animals of the village are:

1.      Buffalos (bhainsein)
      Cows and Bulls (gaey aur bael)
      Sheep (bhairain)
      Goats (bakrian)
      Horses (ghoray)
      Donkeys (gadhay)
      Dogs (kutay)
      Cats (Bilian)
      Hens (murgean)
Rabbits (khargosh)
Pigeons (kabutar)
 Fishes (in forms)
 Ducks (batkhain)

As the land of the villagers is 1 to 2 Km from the village and it is very much close to RIVER JEHLUM therefore a lot of area is available for wild animals. Wild animals found in the villagers land are:

1.      Jackals (geedarr)
      Snakes (saanp)
      Pigs (sours)
      Wild Cats (jangly billay)
      Fishes of many types
      Tortoises (kachhway)
      Parrots (totay)
      Sparrows and Finches (chirian)
      Sea Gulls (baglay)
Wild Ducks (murgabian)

Village land is very much fertile, availability of water is enough although soil not suitable for GYMNOSPERMS and FERNS but ANGIOSPERMS are very much common in the village which include both ornamental and wild. Important plant of the village are as under:

1.      Acacia species (kikar)
      Dalbergia sisso (tahli)
      Rosa indica (gulab)
      Orange species (maltay aur methhay)
      Guava (amrood)
      Mangoes (aam)
      Gomi (dhraik)
      Bamboo (Baance)

Crops of the village

Land of this village is very fertile almost every crop of the world can be grown here.People use peter engins for irrigation purposes. Major crops of the village are:

1.      Wheat (gandam)
      Rice (chawal)
      Corn (mukai)
      Potato (aalo)
      Barley (jao)
      Sugar Cane (kamad)
      Sweet Pea (mator)
      All Vegetables etc.

Crime rate in the Village

As it is already mentioned that most of the reports in Thana Phalia belong to this village in which most are to pull legs or arms of the opposing party but the steeling of cattle is an important problem faced by villagers especially JUTT families such Thieves does not belong to this village but to nearby villages whom names are not good to mention, in this village few black sheep in young generation are also going on wrong path.

                    GOD BLESS THIS VILLAGE(Ameen)

           For any objection contact at :        mhwasim2005      {0300 77 55 0 64}