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Tag: gohar sharif

village Gohar Sharif mandi bahauddin

Gohar Sharif گوہڑ شریف

Gohar Sharif گوہڑ شریف

By: Ch. Saqib Hussain & Ch. Wilayat Sardar Gondal


Gohar Sharif گوہڑ شریف is a small village of Mandi Bahauddin district in the Punjab province of Pakistan. It is located at 32°30’0N 73°18’0E with an altitude of 218 meters and lies 26 km from Mandi Bahauddin city and 16 km from Malakwal. Gohar sharif is part of malakwal union council.


The village is very old. People say that there was a British sepoy who wanted to destroy this village but by the mercy of Allah and Karamat of Mian Mashkur Hussain he was to his back. People say he fired a gun to this village but  the gun (gola) return back. There are several buildings built by the Hindus and Sikhs such as Sikhs Hawali and house which is approximately 136 years old and there is one well which was built by the person who was the 1st gondal in this village but now it is demolished by the new generation.


Neighboring villages consist of:

  1. Gohri – South
  2. Krariwala – South West
  3. 15 Chak – North
  4. Misranwala – West

It is 27 km south-east of city mandi bahauddin. On the south it is bordered by 1 canal and village gohri which is 3 km away. On the south-west it is bordered by there town krariwala. If u walk 3 kilometers from the village towards north there is a town named 15 Chak. In the west it is bordered by Misranwal.


The population of the village consist of about 13,000 people.


People say there were brother and sister named Gohr and Gohri whom father was sharif they and Gohr was settled in a village but the Gohri his sister was settled in another village which was later renamed as Gohri which was after renamed as Gohar Sharif. The cast of the founder was gondal.


The village is divided in to three parts:

  • Dera
  • Lok
  • Ada


  1. Gajgane
  2. Aklane
  3. Wajir Ke
  4. Sharf Ke
  5. Kadher


  • Gondal
  • Ranjah
  • Mughal


People have very friendly behavior. People are very much hospitable, friendly, hardworking, sincere and moderate except few black sheep’s vulgarity is a common thing.


The main occupations consist of zarat (agriculture) but most of the people are abroad in UAE, UK and Saudi Arabia and European countries. Some people are also in civil service who r working in the post office, railway and armed forces.


  • Ch Muhammad Walait Gondal
  • Choudry Sardar Khan Gondal (late)
  • Choudry Mehdi Khan Gondal
  • Choudry Muhammad Ashraf Gondal (UAE)
  • Choudry Munawar Hussain Gondal (UAE).
  • Choudry Riaz Ahmad Gondal (UK).
  • Choudry Usman Ashraf Gondal.
  • Ch Riaz Bashir
  • Syed Munawar Shah
  • Akhtar Mahmood (Advocate High Court)
  • Ch. Iqbal Gondal

Culture of village:

Normally people of this village live a simple life but as people went abroad they became moderate and now the village is moderate by having cars, motorcycles and other important facilities. The culture of the village is however now changed like a city but there are few old people (buzurg) who keep telling about the importance of the culture of the village. By their this effort the culture is saved by the young generation.

village Gohar Sharif mandi bahauddin


There are four schools in the village named as:

  • Govt. Primary middle school for boys
  • Govt. Primary middle school for girls
  • The Fajar School (private)
  • Arshad model school (private)

There is only one madrasa in the village. There are four mosques in the village.


There are only three clinics in the village:

  • Dr. Arshad Clinic
  • Dr. Munawar Shah Clinic
  • Dr. Zafar clinic


  • Wheat
  • Rice
  • Sugarcane


In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, PTCL Phones and Mobile Phones with services of all the Telecom companies are present in almost every house. Few homes in the village also possess Computers in them very less people use internet.


There are no restaurant in this village but there are many fresh points such as fresh juice points and there are many journal stores in the village. There are some guest houses in the village.


Dara is a Punjabi word which mean the place where the barat or a lot of people can sit together in time of decision etc. In our village there are many dara’z. Each braudary has its Dara. In our village there are five dara’z such AS::

  1. Gajgana Dara
  2. Walait Ka dara
  3. Wajir Ka Dara
  4. Sharif ka Dara
  5. Shabl Ka Dara


There are three mazars popular in the village:

  • Pir Ahmad Shah Sahb

Gohar sharif is also famous for its holy shrines like Pir Ahmad Shah Sahib who was the great wali of Allah.

  • Pir Abdul Ghani Shah Sahb

Another one is Pir Abdul Ghani Shah who was the brother of Ahmad Shah Sahab.

  • Mian Muhammad Shakoor Sahb

Mian Muhammad Shakoor was also the great wali of Allah. At first he was known by the people as an ordinary man but as he ride a wall like a horse in front of approximately 34 people in a barat (marriage procession). Whom my great-grand father have seen doing this.


There is only one welfare organization in the village:

  • Markzay Sehat Behboday Abadi.


There are many hobbies of the young ones of the village like swimming in the canal etc. The popular sports of the village are:

  1. Cricket
  2. Volleyball
  3. Badminton
  4. Football
  5. Hockey


Transportation is by means of cars, taxis and buses. Gohar was also famous for his buses. No village have 10 or 15 buses of its own.

Marriage Hall, Factories

Fajjar marriage hall Gohar shareef
Abdullah poultry farm (ch. Adeel ahmad Gondal)
Fajjar Poultry Farm (ch akhtar maneka)
Asif poultry farm (saqib nawaz Gondal)
Al Mustafa Poultry farm (ch iqbal gondal)


  1. There is no rain water removing system in the village.
  2. The girls cannot have their education freely. This is another main problem faced by students especially by Girls as there is no institute after metric so the girls have to face great hurdle in their career so most of them stop their education because villagers does not allow their girls to go away from their homes.
  3. Difference of Jutts and other castes can be reduced by educating people and creating awareness of our religion.

this information is about village gohr SHARIF
Picture Gallery

May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)

Information Provided By:

Ch. Saqib Hussain

Ch. Wilayat Sardar Gondal

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