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Pakistani Village Life: Villagers making 'Gur' (Raw sugar) from the sugarcane juice - Photos of Pakistani Villages, Pictures of Pakitani Villages

Faqirian فقیریاں

Faqirian فقیریاں

By Muhammad Sufyan


Faqirian فقیریاں village is in Tehsil Malakwal. It is 54 KM from Mandi-Bahuddin city towards South at the boundary of M.B.DIN with Sargodha and 40 KM from Malakwal towards South. It is a big Town in its nears.


The Population of this village is nearly 35,000 and it is 70 years old village.

Literacy Rate:

The Literacy rate of the village is average.

It has a Govt. P/S for Boys Since 1977, Middle School for Girls and Community Primary School for Girls. There is also working a private School for the betterment of the Society in my Village. Ghazali Model School. Faqirian is Cultivated Area. The most Population of village is Agriculturist. Some are working in the Government Services, and a number of People are working abroad.

Neighboring Villages:

Miana Gondal (East)

Dhori Sargodha (West)

Remount Mona Depot (North)

Chak No 1 SGD (South)

Social Personalities:

  1. Haji Ahmad Khan Gondal
  2. Haji Abdullah Khan Gondal
  3. Hayat Ahmad Khan Gondal (Chairman).
  4. Nazir Ahmad Gondal
  5. Allah Bakhash Gondal (Lambardar).
  6. Muhammad Khan Ranjha
  7. Malik Hayat Awan
  8. Muhammad Khalid Gondal
  9. Muhammad Akram Gondal

Highly Qualified Personalities:

  • Mushtaq Ahmed Gondal (session judge of anti-terrorism in Bhawalpur)
  • Aqeel Aslam Gondal (MBBS, specialist in physiotherapy in NIH ISLD)
  • Zia Ullah Gondal (Professor of English, Brani University Rawalpindi)
  • Ahmad Bakhash Gondal (Head Master in P/S Faqirian)
  • Muhammad Sufyan Gondal (M.A.LLB Shariah & Law)
  • Mushtaq Ahmed Gondal (SI Punjab Police, M.B.Din)
  • Muhammad Yaqoob (Medical officer in DHQ)
  • Muhammad Amir Ranjah (Civil engineer)
  • Mulana Muhammad Aslam Gondal (M.A Arabic, Diploma in Usual e Din from Riaz University Saudi Arabia Noman Akram Gondal (M.Sc. History from Qaid e Azam University Islamabad & LLB from BHU Multan)
  • Muhammad Tariq Gondal (Arabic Fazal from Jamih Arabia Gujranwala)
  • Muhammad Rehan Gondal (MBA, IIUI)
  • Shaid Rizwan Waddan (LLB)
  • Aftab Ahamd Gondal (M fill In History)
  • Qari Munir Ahmad Gondal (M.A uslu Din)

Schools, Mosques and Madras:

  • One Govt P/S for Boys
  • One Middle School for Girls
  • One Govt community P/S for Girls
  • One Private School
  • Two Jamiah Masques
  • Three Madrisa’s (Two for boys and one for girls).

Photos of Pakistani villages - Wheat crop is ripe

Medical stores and shops in the village

  • Ali Usman Medical store (proprietor Dr. Maher Muhammad Nawaz)
  • 10 small shops & two big shops

Main castes

  • Gondal
  • Ranjha
  • Awan
  • Tarar
  • Mahar

Main crops and fruits:

  1. Wheat
  2. Cotton
  3. Rice
  4. Sugar Cane
  5. Tobacco
  6. Orange
  7. Guava


Baba kanno shah

Welfare Organizations:

Society for  welfare al Quran

Free time & Hobby

Two branches canals from Lower Jhelum Canal. Walking on the benches of these canals in free time and catching fish is the hobby of people of villagers





Guli danda

May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)

Information provided by

Muhammad Sufyan, Rehan, Kamran & Arslan Gondal