Jaisak جیسک
Jaisak جیسک
By: Adnan Alvi
The village Jaisak جیسک is approximately 17 km southeast of the city of Mandi Bahuddin. Jaisak is located at the bank of RQ link Canal.
Geographical Position
East side is Helan and in west side is village Aadhi Sharif, Saharan and Chalianwala are in the north side and Qila Atar Singh and Phalia in the south of this village.
Neighboring Villages
Neighboring villages of Jaisak are Bohat, Ahdi, Chourand, Kere Bawa, Qilla Atar Singh, Lala Pindi, Helan, Murala etc.

The population of this village is about 5 (Five) thousand peoples.
- Awan
- Alvi
- Gujjar
- Raan
- Khokher
- Sindhu
- Supraa
and all helping castes are living in village.
Registered voters
The number of registered voters in the village is about 1,500 among them almost half of them are of female voters. Although village is small but at the time of election village splits into two parts. Each group tries to cast votes against each other.
Major Castes
Major casts of the village are
- Awan
- Alvi
- Ran
- Khokhar
- Sindhu
Highly Qualified Persons
Although the literacy rate is good but only few persons are Master degree holders among them:
- Adnan Nasar Alvi (BS(CS) from UOL)
- Adil Abbas Ran (FSC, JCIT collage)
- Suqlain Haider Jawad (M.A from GC collage MBDIN)
- Muhammad Arshad (Teacher)
- Waseem Feroze (BSC from GC collage )
- Babar Ali Ran(FA from GC collage MBDIN)
- Adeel Khokhar (FA from GCU)
- Hafiz Junaid (F.Sc, GC collage MBDIN)
- Kamran Kharal (F.Sc, GC collage MBDIN)
- Qaisar Sindhu (BA)
- Raheel Alvi (BBA)
- Muhammad Azeem Azam (B.COM, JCIT)
- Aqeel Khokhar (MBA)
Govt. Employees
- Zahoor Alvi (ASI)
- Shahid Alvi (sub Inspector)
- Muhammad Pervaiz Ran (Pak Army)
- Irfan Alvi (CBI Inspector)
- Muhammad Sikander Gujjar (SD Pak Army)
- Muhammad Javed (Rasul Collage)
Famous Personalities
- Malik Nasar Awan
- Malik Murtaza Awan
- Malik Azhar Alvi
- Muhammad Anar Ran
- Bahadur Ali Ran
- Muhammad Sultan Ran
- Mehndi Khokhar
- Haji Ashraf Awan
- Ahmed Khan (Tarar)
- Shahid Alvi
- Zahoor Alvi (ASI)
- Irfan Alvi (CBI Inspecter)
- Muhammad Arif Khokhar
- Muhammad Walayat Khokher
- Abdul Hameed Awan
- Muhammad Sikander Gujjar
And among new generation
- Adnan Nasar Alvi
- Fakhar Ali Alvi
- Adil Abbas Ran
- Usman Ali Alvi
Means Of Earning
Majority of the peoples earn their livelihood through agriculture. Few peoples are in Government services and among them most are in Army & Police. Now there is trend among the youth to go abroad that’s why many peoples of the village are found in USA, France, South Africa, Spain, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia, Dubai, Muscat etc. in search of their earning.
Way of living
Peoples of the village live a simple life. They have very friendly behavior. Peoples are very much hostile, peaceful and sincere. Except few black sheeps vulgarity is an uncommon thing. People of the village go to their lands to care their cattles and crops and come back in the evening so they have a very busy life.Young boys play Cricket,Volly Ball,Kabaddi. Peoples of the village remains careful about fight and misbehavior because if any body do a little mistake other party persons quickly report to the police at Civil Line.
Bazars And Markets
No Bazars or Markets are present in the village many General stores (Karyana shops) are present which provide commodities of daily use. Peoples have to go M.B.Din for major shopping.
There are total six mosques in the village, one is jamey (Jamya) and others are small.
There are no shrines in the village.
Schools and Education
Literacy rate of the village is much better. Almost every child of the village goes to school. There are three shools in the village:
- Govt. Midle School for Girls
- Govt. primary School for Boys
- Javed Model Private English School
- Govt. Primary School
- Govt Girls School
Health Facilities
There is no hospital in the village there are two clinic is present which is run by a health related servant. some female of the village are working as a Health Worker. She is creating awareness in females about health related problems. Now after her guidance females are very much aware of pregnancy and birth etc. Generally peoples get medicine of minor diseases from Chourand and of major from M.B.Din city.
Village is located almost 17 KM towards south east from Mandi Bahauddin. People of the village travel on Buses, Vans from main Bus Stop or Villages own Bus Stop. Motor Cycles and Cycles are very common in the village which are used to go towards their lands or near by areas.
Media Facilities
In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, PTCL Phones and Mobile Phones with services of all the Telecom companies are present in almost every house. Few homes in the village also possess Computers in them very rare people use internet.
Flora and Fauna
As the area is very productive both animals and plants love to stay here.
Domestic animals
- Buffalos (bhainsein)
- Cows and Bulls (gaey aur bael)
- Sheeps (bhairain)
- Goats (bakrian)
- Horses (ghoray)
- Donkeys (gadhay)
- Dogs (kutay)
- Cats (Bilian)
- Hens (murgean)
- Rabbits (khargosh)
- Pigeons (kabutar)
- Fishes (in forms)
- Ducks (batkhain)
Therefore a lot of area is available for wild animals. Wild animals found in the villagers land are:
- Jackals (geedarr)
- Snakes (saanp)
- Pigs (sours)
- Wild Cats (jangly billay)
- Fishes of many types
- Tortoises (kachhway)
- Parrots (totay)
- Sparrows and Finches (chirian)
- Sea Gulls (baglay)
- Wild Ducks (murgabian)
Village land is very much fertile, availability of water is enough although soil not suitable for GYMNOSPERMS and FERNS but ANGIOSPERMS are very much common in the village which include both ornamental and wild. Important plant of the village are as under:
- Acacia species (kikar)
- Dalbergia sisso (tahli)
- Rosa indica (gulab)
- Orange species (maltay aur methhay)
- Guava (amrood)
- Mangoes (aam)
- Gomi (dhraik)
- Bamboo (Baance)
Crops of the village
Land of this village is very fertile almost every crop of the world can be grown here. People use peter engines and electric motors for irrigation purposes. Major crops of the village are
- Wheat (gandam)
- Rice (chawal)
- Corn (mukai)
- Potato (aalo)
- Barley (jao)
- Sugar Cane (kamad)
- Sweet Pea (mator)
- Chicken Pea (chana)
All Vegetables etc.
Problems of the Village
As the Village is very large but basic facilities are absent No hospital, No Markets, No college for Boys or Girls therefore peoples especially females have to face many difficulties in order to fulfill their daily or occasional necessities. Main problems of the village are as under.
Wastewater Removal System
The most prominent problem of the village is the removal of wastewater of homes and rain. some people of the village has to face problems like accumulation of rain water in front of their houses, when the LAKE (chhapparr present in the center of the village) is filled with water it come out in the streets this not only paralyse life in their homes but also a source of many diseases like MALARIA,CHOLERA and SCABIES etc.
Problems of the Poor People
People of the village are not very rich nor very poor. Except few houses all other can earn their livelihood easily those who are poor they are helped by the other village people in the form of Fitrana or other things in the name of God so fortunately every one is able to eat honourably.
Educational Problems Faced by Girls
This is another main problem faced by students especially by Girls as there is no institute after MATRIC degree sothe girls have to face great hurdle in their career so most of them stop their education because villagers does not allow their girls to go away from their homes,so most of the girls are underinter if other want to carry on their education they do so either Privately through Punjab University or through Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad.
Promises made by the Political Leaders of the area
This is a very interresting topic because when there is period of election especially of National and Provincial Assembly it looks that all the candidates are our own and they are in election only for our village because they solve all the problems of the village with their tongue in few minutes but as soon as they becomes leaders they even refuse to recognize their major supporters until the next election comes.
Crime rate in the Village
As it is already mentioned that most of the reports in Thana Civil Line belong to this village in which most are to pull legs or arms of the opposing party but the steeling of cattles is an important problem faced by villagers some families such Thieves does not belong to this village but to nearby villages whom names are not good to mention, in this village few black sheeps in young generation are also going on wrong path.
Information Provided By: Adnan Alvi
Email Address: adnannasar@gmail.com
Contact Numbers: 03466491867 – 03336491867