village Khairewal Ranjha phalia mandi bahauddin
Khairewal Ranjha خیرے وال رانجھا
Khairewal Ranjha خیرے وال رانجھا
By: Imran Nazeer
Location: جگہ
Village Khairewal Ranjha خیرے وال رانجھا is situated in tehsil Phalia district Mandi Bahauddin which is 18 km away from Phalia city and almost 30 km away from city MBDIN.
History: تاریخ
It is said that this is the name of person who was called khaira. Khaira and Mian were two brothers. These two persons lived in this area. After the death of this person it (khairewall) was known by person name. people of the village are very generous, friendly, and caring.
Area of Village: گائوں کا رقبہ
Area of my village is almost 1 sq only.
Population: آبادی
The population of this village is around 2,000 people.
Neighboring Villages: قریب کے دیہات
- Mianwal Ranjha
- Annay Sharif
- Takht Mahal
- Burj Agra
Famous Personalities: مشہور شخصیات
- Muhammad Hayat (Numbardar)
- Muhammad Hayat Ranjha
- Haji Muhammad Akram Ranjha
- Master Jahan Khan
- Molana Manzoor Ahmad (sb)
- Master Javeed Ahmad
- Tauqeer Ranjha (ASI)
- Arslan Ranjha (ASI)
- Ch. Shan Muhammad Gondal
- Master Nawaz Ahmad
- Muhammad Imran
- Zahid Farooq Ch.
Main Casts: مشہور ذاتیں
- Ranjha
- Gondal
- Tarar
- Barber
- Cobbler
Source of Income: آمدن کے ذرائع
Mostly people are related to agriculture. Some are working abroad like
- France
- Italy
- Kuwait
- Oman
- Dubai
- South Africa
Hospital: ہسپتال
There is no hospital in my village. Only a private clinic working in my village.
Main Crops: اہم فصلیں
- Wheat
- Rice
- Conn
- Barley
- Sugar cane
Flora and Fauna:
- Buffaloes
- Cows
- Sheeps
- Goats
- Horses
May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)
The information was provided by Mr. Imran Nazeer