Kot Sattar Sharqi کوٹ ستار شرقی
Kot Sattar Sharqi کوٹ ستار شرقی
Kot Sattar Sharqi کوٹ ستار شرقی
By: Wallait Hussain Tarar
This Village Kot Sattar Sharqi کوٹ ستار شرقی is at Jokalian – Pahrianwali link road. Just 3 km from Chak Zahir in south and 30 km from Mandi Bahauddin in south west. Phalia is 10 km in west and QadirAbad is 20 km in south west of Kot Sattar Sharqi.
Neighboring villages:
- Pejo Kot – East
- Melu – West
- Chakk Zahir – North
- Thatta Alia – South
Kot Sattar, Pejo Kot and Mitha Chakk came from the village Jokalian. Joakalian was sister of Sattar and Pejo. Sattar started living here so this village was known at his name Kot Sattar.
Founder of the village was known as Sattar. He belongs to Tarar familly.
35 Muraba.
Social personalities of the village:
- Wallait Ahmed s/o Fazal Ahmad Tarar
- Muhammad Ashraf s/o Fateh Muhammad Tarar
- Ghulam Abbas s/o Muhammad Hussain Tarar
- Muhammad Akhtar s/o Nawab Khan Tarar
- Majeed s/o Jeoon Tarar
- Muhammad Riaz s/o Khan Muhammad Tarar
- Malik s/o Sardar Khan Tarar
- Nazir Ahmed s/o Ghulam Rasul (shahoo ka)
Highly qualified persons:
- Sajjad Ahmed s/o Ali Ahmad Tarar (Advocate)
- Muhammad Zahid s/o Aslam Khan (Agricultural Officer)
- Saifullah s/o Muhammad Inayat (Saudi Arab)
- Muhammad Afzal s/o Fateh Muhammad (America)
- Ansar s/o Mehdi Khan (Italy)
- Kashid Hussain s/o Muhammad Afzal (Italy)
Source of income:
Source of income of village comes agriculture sector. Govt services, and most of the people are living abroad (Spain, America, England, middle east etc.)
Population of the village is round about 7,000 persons.
Nature of people:
People of the village are very hospitable, friendly, hard working, and moderate.
Basic Health Unit (govt hospital) is working in the village
Main casts
- Tarar 99%
- Others 1%
Main crops:
- Wheat
- Rice
- Sugar cane
- Vegetables
- Bajara
- Jawar etc.
Education sector:
- Govt Primary School for boys.
- Govt primary School for girls.
- Moon Light Public school for girls
- Jamia Masjid
- Mushtarkah Dara
Union Council:
Jokalian is Union Council of the area.
- TV
- Mobile
- Internet
Jokalian to Pahrianwali via Kot Sattar.
14-R passes by the village and area of the village is very beautiful .
- Volley ball
- Cricket
- Kabaddi
Fish Farm:
Muhammad Sarwar Gondal has fish form in some area.
May Allah Bless This Village (AAMEEN)
Information provided by Wallait Hussain Tarar