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Tag: muradwal

Village muradwal mandi bahauddin murad wal Malakwal

Muradwal مرادوال

Muradwal مراد وال


Village Muradwal مرادوال is located in District Mandi Baha-ud-Din. It can be reached by moving along the side of LOWER JEHLUM Canal from Rasool Barrage to Sargodha. It is away from District Mandi Bahauddin upto 21 KM and 8 KM from Tehsil Malakwal and 5 KM from RIVER JEHLUM towards south and 1.5 KM from M.B.Din to Malakwal road towards North.

Geographical Position:

Village is divided in to two parts one is the MAIN VILLAGE and other is the MURADWAL LOKRRI situated at the bus stop of the village at M.B.Din to Malakwal road. Muradwal  is present between Haria, Katowal and Lower Jehlum canal. Katowal is located towards the East, Haria towards the South and West while Lower Jehlum canal is located towards the North of Muradwal.

Brief History:

Village Muradwal is after the name of a person known as Murad. It is said that Murad and Kato were the children of a Haria. Due to disobedience Kato is pulled out of his house by Haria. Later on Murad bring back Kato and give half of his land to Kato that’s why know both villages are side by side. In the past there was great enmity between few groups of the village as a result of that controversy many persons of the village were killed by one group or the other but now all the controversies have been resolved and no killing took place in the last 10 years.

Situation in 1947:

Population of Muradwal was mostly consist of Muslims in 1947 there were only Five houses are of HINDOES. These Hindus were wise persons and were literate therefore they realize the situation before 14th August 1947 , soled their houses and migrated to Mandi Bahaud Din where most of their relatives lived. That’s why there was no bloodshed in the village at the time of partition.

Village muradwal mandi bahauddin murad wal Malakwal

Neighboring Villages:

Neighboring villages of Muradwal are


It is not  a very big village only about 300 houses are in it and about 1,800 peoples live in them. All the population of the village is Muslim among them all are SUNNI except one house that is of Shia. No non-Muslim is there in the village.

Registered voters:

The number of registered voters in the village is 850 among them almost half of them are of female voters. Although village is small but at the time of election village splits into three parts. Each group tries to cast votes against each other. At the time of BD elections both males and females cast vote but at National and Provincial Assembly elections only males cast their votes.

Major Castes:

Major casts of the village are

  • Gondal
  • Warraich
  • Mughal
  • Barkhay
  • Kasbi (Rajhay)
  • Kumhar
  • Machhi
  • Lohaar
  • Mochi
  • Tarkhan
  • Muslim Sheikh
  • Nai

Important Bradaries:

Famous Clans of the village are:

  1. Gill
  2. Kaasbi
  3. Toulay
  4. Mehr Ke
  5. Barkhay
  6. Salranay
  7. Pindyanay
  8. Dhanu Ke
  9. Jalu Ke
  10. Bahadar Ke

Famous Personalities:

Important personalities of the village are as follows:

  • Saee Muhammad Gondal (Jalu ka)
  • Sikandar Hayat Gondal (Lalay da)
  • Iftikhar Ahmad Gondal (Raja)
  • Master Muhammad Nazir
  • Roshan Din Gondal (Gill)
  • Qadar Muhammad (Mehr ka)
  • Mirza Khan (Pindyana)
  • Muhammad Sardar (Dhano ka)
  • Muhammad Akbar (Salabat ka)
  • Zubair Sarwar Warraich
  • Ghulam Hussain Gondal
  • Ch. Jaan Muhammad Tulla
  • Anwar Hussain Gondal

Highly Qualified Persons:

Although the literacy rate is good but only few persons are master degree holders among them:

  1. Farooq Ahmad Gondal  (M.Sc, M.Phil Env.Science proceeding towards Ph.D)
  2. Master Muhammad Akram (M.A English)
  3. Anar Sajid Gondal ( M.A Economics)
  4. Muhammad Arif Warraich
  5. Master Khalid Mahmood  etc.
  6. Dr. Aqib Shahzad Tulla (MBBS, FCPS)

And few females have also done master degrees in different subjects.

And among new generation

Means Of Earning:

Majority of the peoples earns their livelihood through agriculture. Few peoples are in Government service and among them most are in WAPDA and ARMY. Now there is trend among the youth to go abroad that’s why many peoples of the village are found in France, Spain, Yunan, Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Muscat etc. in search of their earning.

Way of living:

Peoples of the village live a simple life. They have very friendly behavior. Peoples are very much hostile, peaceful and sincere. Except few black sheeps vulgarity is an uncommon thing. People of the village go to their lands to care their cattle and crops and come back in the evening so they have a very busy life. Young boys play Cricket, Volleyball or play cards in their extra time. Peoples of the village remains careful about fight and misbehavior because if any body do a little mistake other party persons quickly report to the police at THANA MALAKWAL.

Bazars And Markets:

No Bazars or Markets are present in the village only four Karyana shops are present which provide commodities of daily use. Peoples have to go Malakwal or M.B.Din for major shopping and to Haria for minor shopping.


There are total four mosques in the village two in the main village one in the lokarri and one along with PIR CHHACHHRA DARBAR among them one is JAMEA in the main village. The mosque along the Darbar is under construction unfortunately no prayer say prayer there except the passerby’s or on Sunday when there is rush of people on the Darbar.


There are two shrines in the village. These are of  two brothers

  • SYED MASOOM SHAH (Peer Chhachhra)

These  brothers came in the village in the start of 18th century. MASOOM SHAH died in 1800 while NOOR SHAH few year after him. They preach the people of the village about Islam. Among them one brother MASOOM SHAH has got much importance now a days. People from all over the area come here to get rid of  many diseases especially JOINT PAINS. They believe that after coming, offering Fateah, putting money in the safe  and distributing MEETHI ROTIAN  on three consecutive SUNDAYS or at least one they get rid of these problems

Shrine(Darbar) of MASOOM SHAH is located along the north bank of LOWER JEHLUM Canal in front of the village. The income of the Masoom Shah’s shrine is on average 2000 cash along with some quantity of wheat grains on each SUNDAY. In the past this money was used by the Makhdom family (Mianay) now it is used for the construction and wellbeing of the shrine.

The shrine of second brother BABA NOOR SHAH BUKHARI is located inside the west part of the village also known as Mohallah Noor Shah at the back of Govt. Primary School for Boys. People pick stone from the Darbar and tie them with their arms to get rid of Fever especially chronic fever. Around the Darbar there is lot of land in which surrounding  peoples have kept their cattle’s so it looks dirty around the shrine.

Schools and Education:

Literacy rate of the village is much better almost every child of the village goes to school. There are three school in the village:

  • Govt. Primary School for Boys Muradwal.
  • Govt. Girls Middle School Muradwal.
  • Community Model Higher Secondary School for Girls(evening)

Health Facilities:

There is no hospital in the village only one clinic is present which is run by a health related servant. One female of the village is working as a Health Worker. She is creating awareness in females about health related problems. Now after her guidance females are very much aware of pregnancy and birth etc. Generally peoples get medicine of minor diseases from Haria and of major from Malakwal or M.B.Din.


Village is located almost 1.5 KM towards north from Malakwal Mandi Bahaud Din road. People of the village travel on Buses, Vans from Haria Bus Stop or Villages own Bus Stop. They also travel on Train after riding from Haria Railway Station which is almost 3 KM from the village. Motor Cycles and Cycles are very common in the village which are used to go towards their lands or near by areas

Media Facilities:

In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, PTCL Phones and MOBILE Phones with services of all the companies are present in almost every house. Few homes in the village also possess COMPUTERS in them very rare people use internet

Flora and Fauna:

As the area is very productive both animals and plants love to stay here.

Domestic animals of the village are

  • Buffalos (bhainsein)
  • Cows and Bulls (gaey aur bael)
  • Sheeps (bhairain)
  • Goats (bakrian)
  • Horses (ghoray)
  • Donkeys (gadhay)
  • Dogs (kutay)
  • Cats (Bilian)
  • Hens (murgean)
  • Rabbits (khargosh)
  • Pigeons (kabutar)
  • Fishes (in forms)
  • Ducks (batkhain)

As the land of the villagers is 1 to 2 Km from the village and it is very much close to RIVER JEHLUM therefore lot of area is available for wild animals. Wild animals found in the villagers land are:

  1. Jackals (geedarr)
  2. Snakes (saanp)
  3. Pigs (sours)
  4. Wild Cats (jangly billay)
  5. Fishes of many types
  6. Tortoises (kachhway)
  7. Parrots (totay)
  8. Sparrows and Finches (chirian)
  9. Sea Gulls (baglay)
  10. Wild Ducks (murgabian)

Village land is very much fertile, availability of water is enough although soil not suitable for GYMNOSPERMS and FERNS but ANGIOSPERMS are very much common in the village which include both ornamental and wild. Important plant of the village are as under:

  • Acacia species (kikar)
  • Dalbergia sisso (tahli)
  • Rosa indica (gulab)
  • Orange species (maltay aur methhay)
  • Guava (amrood)
  •  Mangoes (aam)
  • Gomi (dhraik)
  • Bamboo (Baance)

Crops of the village:

Land of this village is very fertile almost every crop of the world can be grown here. People use peter engins for irrigation purposes. Major crops of the village are

  • Wheat (gandam)
  • Rice (chawal)
  • Corn (mukai)
  • Potato (aalo)
  • Barley (jao)
  • Sugar Cane (kamad)
  • Sweet Pea (mator)
  • Chicken Pea (chana)
  • All Vegetables etc.


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