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Tag: ptv sports biss key 2023 today

PTV Sports Biss Key 2023 Today [updated]

PTV Sports Biss Key 2023 Today [updated]

PTV Sports Biss Key 2023

You will get the latest PTV Sports Biss Key 2023 update which will surely work on dish antenna during this time. All cricket matches will be telecast live on PTV Sports.

Biss Key ABCD 1088 1113 6589
New Biss Key ABCD 10FF 1113 65FF

PTV Sports is the national sports channel of Pakistan which is broadcast on satellite Pak satellite at 38.0 degrees East.

Satellite Paksat-1R@38°E
PTV Sports New Biss Key 09 01 20 2A 23 AB CD 9B
Frequency 4004-V-15555
SID 0006

PTV Sports Frequency

  1. Satellite Name: Paksat
  2. Position: 38.0 Degree East
  3. Frequency (TP): 4004
  4. Polarity: V
  5. Symbol Rate: 15555 3/4
  6. PTV Sports BISS Key: ABCD 10FF 1113 65FF
  7. Dish Size: Minimum 4 Feet

How To Add PTV Sports Biss Key

This is old software for older ALI3510C boxes and you have to understand the whole thing first to install it.

  1. First you have to delete the old PTV frequency that you have in your receiver.
  2. After that, you have to insert the frequency of PTV again and search it.
  3. Now you first have to select PTV Sports HD.
  4. Now press the green button from the remote control and go to STB Information and press 666 from the remote. This will enable the CCCam system and Biss Key options on your box.
  5. Now exit the menu from remote control and press the green button again and insert the Biss key which is provided you and save it.

These days everyone is requesting how to enter bus key code in satellite beneficiary or how to open PTV sports because everyone needs to watch cricket matches. PTV Sports is probably the most popular and entertaining game diverter in Pakistan which shows mostly cricket matches.

PTV Sports has shown Olympics and other major sports everywhere. Broadcasting from PTV Sports Paksat 1R @38East. Viewers from Pakistan and Center East can watch PTV sports on their TV but the problem is that PTV is not fully FTA and you have entered bus code which is 16 digit code.