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Tag: Sadqa E Fitr Ki Miqdar 2023 in Pakistan

Sadqa E Fitr, Fidya Of Roza/Fitrana Amount 2023 In Pakistan

Sadqa E Fitr, Fidya Of Roza/Fitrana Amount 2023 In Pakistan

Before Eid-ul-Fitr, many people want to know how much Fidya Of Roza is in Pakistan. However, you will get important details and information about Sadqa E Fitr Ki Miqdar 2023 in Pakistan and Fitrana Amount in Pakistan accordingly.

Fitrana Amount Per Person

Fitrana Amount Per Person in Pakistan 2023 is Rs. 250/ this year. According to Islamic Relief, the minimum amount of Fitrana is equivalent to about 2 kg of wheat flour and rice, estimated at Rs 250 per head this year in Pakistan.

Also read this: Zakat Nisab 2023 Has Been Announced

Recently Darul Iftaa, Farooqia University Karachi has issued a statement stating that Sadaqat Al-Fitr 2023 can be paid at any cost if you are financially blessed. This year, the price of 2 kg of wheat has been fixed at Rs. 250, 3.5 kg of barely at Rs. 425, and 3.5 kg of dates at Rs. 2,100. Similarly the price of 3.5 kg of raisins has been fixed at Rs 2,800.

Sadqa E Fitr, Fidya Of Roza/Fitrana Amount 2023 In Pakistan

The Roza Fidya/Fitrana amount 2023 in Pakistan is to be paid for the 30 days (whole month) with respect to wheat price is Rs 8400, with respect to barley Rs 19200, with respect to dates Rs 57600 and with respect to raisins Rs 115200.

Fidya Of Roza

The amount of Fidya Of Roza In Pakistan for 2023 for 30 days (whole month) is Rs. 8,400 for wheat price, Rs. 19,200 for barley, Rs. 57,600 for dates and Rs. 115,200 for raisins.

What is Fitrana In Islam?

It is obligatory for every Muslim (Men & Women) to pay the Fitrana before the Eid al Fitr prayer. A small amount of money fixed by the government is given to the needy and poor people so that they too can participate in the great festival of Eid. Nisab, which is the minimum amount of wealth before paying Zakat, establishes the amount of Fitrana.

How to Calculate Fitrana?

Everyone wants to know how to calculate Fitrana 2023. The calculation of Fitrana is very simple and straightforward. Natural Curriculum should be multiplied by the number of persons in the household. For example, a family of four eligible members will have to pay Rs. 1,000 in kind (Rs. 250 x 4).