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Tag: today petrol rate in pakistan july 2023

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Today Petrol Price In Pakistan June 2023

Today Petrol Price In Pakistan

Today Petrol Price In Pakistan has been fixed. Government of Pakistan has updated petroleum prices for June 2023. The new prices will be effective this month till the end of June 2023.

Today Petrol Rate In Pakistan

Today petrol rate in Pakistan is at 262 rupees per liter. Similarly High Speed Diesel price in Pakistan is Rs. 263 per liter. Light Diesel Price is fixed at Rupees 147.68 per liter and Kerosene oil is fixed at 164.07 rupees per liter.

Product Rate Measure
Petrol Rs. 262 Liter
High-Speed Diesel Rs. 253 Liter
Light Diesel Rs. 147.68 Liter
Kerosene Rs. 164.07 Liter

today Petrol Price In Pakistan

Pakistan Revises Petroleum Prices

Government of Pakistan revises petroleum prices every 15 days, the latest revision is on 15 June 2023 with the prices mentioned above. The new rates came into effect from the following day and will remain in place till June 30, 2023.

Bad News: Will Petrol Be Cheaper In Pakistan From June 1?

This announcement is of special importance in view of the arrival of Russian oil, the upcoming general elections in Pakistan and the latest situation in the country. Despite the availability of cheap Russian oil, the government has decided not to adopt a populist approach by further reducing petroleum prices.

Furthermore, the arrival of Russian oil in Pakistan is expected to have a significant impact on local prices. Russian oil is quite cheap compared to international market prices. As Pakistan is heavily dependent on petroleum imports to meet its domestic needs. Imports of Russian oil are expected to reduce the country’s oil import bill and lower prices in the domestic market.