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Tag: whatsapp chatbot

WhatsApp will end free Google Drive storage for chat backup in 2024

WhatsApp Is Going To Introduce Chatbot Feature

WhatsApp Chatbot

This time artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots are becoming a part of WhatsApp. According to the report, WhatsApp is providing a new shortcut to talk to an AI chatbot. This feature may be available to you if you use the beta version of WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Is Going To Introduce Chatbot Feature

The report states that this chatbot will make it easy to get authentic details on various topics. Similarly, advice on daily activities can also be obtained from the chatbot.

Messages in WhatsApp can now be searched by date

WhatsApp is the most used social communication application worldwide. This is the reason why WhatsApp keeps developing and introducing new features day by day to provide better facilities to its users. яндекс