Noor Pur Katvi نور پور کٹوی
Location of the village
Village Noor Pur Katvi is located in District Mandi Bahauddin. It is away from District Mandi Bahauddin upto 55 KM and 30 KM from Tehsil Phalia and 250M from RIVER CHANAB towards south and 8 KM from M.B.Din to SAYAL MOR road towards North
Brief History
Village Noor Pur Katvi is after the name of a person known as NOOR MUHAMMAD. The village is found about 1725.following are the founder of the village.
Muhammad Khan S/O Aziz Ahmad S/O Hayyat Muhammad S/O Karam Dad S/O Bakhish S/O Ahmad S/O Massan S/O Shahdat S/O Noor Muhammad Ranjha.
Neighbouring Village
Neighbouring villages of Noor Pur Katvi are Khamb Kalan are in the West Chakroi are in the East and Thathi Marran in the North
Population of the village
It is nota very big village only about 120 houses are in it and about 1250 peoples live in them. All the population of the village is muslim among them all are SUNNY . No non-muslim is there in the village.
Registered voters
The number of registered voters in the village is 450 among them almost half of them are of female voters. Although village is small but at the time of election village splits into three parts. Each group tries to cast votes against each other. At the time of BD elections both males and females cast vote and also at National and Provincial Assembly elections only males cast their votes.
Major Castes
Major casts of the village are
1. Ranjha
2. Darzi
3. Muchi
4. Kumahar
5. kasbi
6. Dindar
7. Nai
8. Qurashi
Nature of People of the village
Peoples of the village live a simple life. They have very friendly behavior. Peoples are very much hostile, peaceful and sincere. Except few black sheeps vulgarity is an uncommon thing. People of the village go to their lands to care their cattles and crops and come back in the evening so they have a very busy life.Young boys play Volly Ball or play cards in their extra time. Peoples of the village remains careful about fight and misbehavior .
Means Of Earning
Majority of the peoples earn their livelihood through agriculture. Few peoples are in Government services and among them most are in EDUCATION and ARMY. Now there is trend among the youth to go abroad that’s why many peoples of the village are found inGreece,Malashia Dubi etc. in search of their earning.
People in Civil Service or abroad
People in civil service
- Muhammad Afzal Ranjha ( instructor in GIC Phalia)
- Muhammad Sadiq Ranjha ( machine attendant in GIC Phalia)
- Muhammad Aslam Rehmani ( Inspector in Traffic Police)
- M.Arif ( Pak Army)
- Mudassar Javeed ( Pak Army)
- Shoaib Aslam Ranjha ( Police)
- Altaf Ahmad Rehmani (Pak Army)
- Jamshaid Nawaz Ranjha ( Pak Army)
People in abroad
- Ch.Sakandar Hayat Ranjha (Greece)
- Ch.Gulam Rasool Ranjha (Greece)
- M. Akram Ranjha (Greece)
- Zulfqar Hussan Ranjha (Greece)
- Naveed Ahmad Rehmani (Greece)
- Farooq Ahmad Ranjha (Greece)
- Raiz Ahmad (Dubai)
- Fiaz Ahmad Rehmani (Dubai)
- Irfan Ahmad Ranjha (Dubai)
- Aslam Rehmani Malaysia
- Asghar Rehmani Malaysia
- Iqbal Ranjha Iran
- Zhaid Nawaz Iran
- Javeed & shaid Ranjha Greece
Social Personalities of the Village:
1. Haji Ali Muhammad
2. Haji Hafiz. M.Bakhish
3. Haji Muhammad Aslam
4. Hafiz Fath-e-Muhammad
5. Wali Muhammad
6. Ahmad Khan
7. Ahmad Khan Ranjha
8. M.Ashraf Ranjha
9. M.Ashraf. S/o Aziz Ahmad
10. M.Anyait Ranjha
11. Muhammad Khan Ranjha
12. Saif Ullah Ranjha
13. Bashir Ahmad Ranjha
14. Ahmad ali (Kasbi)
15. Ch. Tariq Ranjha
Highly Qualified Personalities of the Village:
1. M. Afzal Ranjha. ( Graduate)
2. M. Arif (Graduate)
3. Ahmad Bakhish Ranjha ( M.A LL.B ) proceed
4. M.Qasim Ranjha. (B.A proceed Master)
5. Hamid Nasir ( M.A Islamic study )
6. Hafiz Ijaz (Graduate proceed Master)
7. Zulfqar Ahmad Rehmani (B.A LL.B)
8. Iftakhar Hussan Ranjha ( Graduate)
And few females have also done Master degrees in different subjects.
Schools and Education
Literacy rate of the village is much better. Almost every child of the village goes to school. There are two schools in the village:
Govt. Elementary school Noor Pur Katvi.
Govt. Girls primary school Noor Pur Katvi.
Mosque and Madresa
Only one main Mosque in the village and one Madresa in the village.
- Dar-ul-alom Qamria Rezwia Fakhar Islam Noor Pur Katvi
- Jamia Masjad Gulzar Madina Noor Pur Katvi.
There is only one shrines in the village.
Peer MASOOM SHAH (Peer Gulam Jahania) shrine is away from Village only 300M on west-south side..
Mazar of peer Masoom Shah ( Gulam Jahania) |
Medical store and shop
Only one medical store Hafiz medical store and five shops in the village
Crops of the village
Land of this village is very fertile almost every crop of the world can be grown here.People use peter engins for irrigation purposes. Major crops of the village are
1. Wheat (gandam)
2. Rice (chawal)
3. Corn (mukai)
4. Potato (aalo)
5. Barley (jao)
6. Sugar Cane (kamad)
7. Sweet Pea (mator)
8. Chicken Pea (chana)
9. All Vegetables etc.
As the area is very productive both animals and plants love to stay here.
Domestic animals of the village are
1. Buffalos (bhainsein)
2. Cows and Bulls (gaey aur bael)
3. Goats (bakrian)
4. Donkeys (gadhay)
5. Dogs (kutay)
6. Cats (Bilian)
7 Hens (murgean)
8.Rabbits (khargosh)
9.Pigeons (kabutar)
As the land of the villagers is 1 to 250M from the village and it is very much close to RIVER CHANAB therefore a lot of area is available for wild animals.Wild animals found in the villagers land are:
1. Jackals (geedarr)
2. Snakes (saanp)
3. Pigs (sours)
4. Wild Cats (jangly billay)
5. Fishes of many types
6. Tortoises (kachhway)
7. Parrots (totay)
8. Sparrows and Finches (chirian)
9. Sea Gulls (baglay)
10.Wild Ducks (murgabian)
Plant in the village
1. Acacia species (kikar)
2. Dalbergia sisso (tahli)
3. Rosa indica (gulab)
4. Orange species (maltay aur methhay)
5. Guava (amrood)
6. Mangoes (aam)
7. Gomi (dhraik)
8. Bamboo (Baance)
Media Facilities
In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, and Mobile Phones with services of all the Telecom companies are present in almost every house. Few homes in the village also possess COMPUTERS in them some rare people use internet
Area of the Village
Total area of the village is about 50 squares that is about 1250 acres in which no one in the village contain more than 40 to 60 acres so no one is a big fish but it is almost equally distributed among prominent families.
Free time & Hobby
In Free time the people of the village play Wali Ball and it is the popular sprot in the village
Village is located almost 8 KM towards south from syal -Mandi Bahauddin Road. People of the village travel on Vans Raksha from Bhoa Hassan Bus Stop or Villages own Bus Stop.. Motor Cycles and Cycles are very common in the village which are used to go towards their lands or near by areas.
Van come from the villge |
Motar cycle and Raksha |
Problems of the Village’s People
As the Village is small so basic facilities are absent No hospital, No Markets,No college for Boys or Girls therefore peoples especially females have to face many difficulties in order to fulfill their daily or occasional necessacities. Main problems of the village are as under
Problems of the Poor People
People of the village are not very rich nor very poor. Except few houses all other can earn their livelihood easily those who are poor they are helped by the other village people in the form of Fitrana or other things in the name of God so fortunately every one is able to eat honourably
Educational Problems Faced by Girls
This is another main problem faced by students especially by Girls as there is no institute after Primary the girls have to face great hurdle in their career so most of them stop their education because villagers does not allow their girls to go away from their homes,so most of the girls are only till five class if other want to carry on their education they do so either Privately through Punjab University or through Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad.
Promises made by the Political Leaders of the area
This is a very interresting topic because when there is period of election especially of National and Provincial Assembly it looks that all the candidates are our own and they are in election only for our village because they solve all the problems of the village with their tongue in few minutes but as soon as they becomes leaders they even refuse to recognize their major supporters until the next election comes.
Crime rate in the Village
The crime rate in the village is Zero because all the people live with peace each other
Jagirdari System
Unlike other nearby villages Jagirdari system is notat its peak but some roots are there in this village , one example occurred few years ago when all the JUTT bradary decided to punish Kami brodery because they were becoming disobedient unfortunately some of them come under this violence but now situation is changing with the passage of time
Health Facilities
There is no hospital in the village only one clinic is present which is run by a health related servant. peoples get medicine of minor diseases from Behkho mor and of major from Phalia or M.B.Din.
- Education problems of girls can be resolved by constructing an institute upto master level atleast in arts subjects in this or any of the neigbhouring villages.
- About promises of leaders (bus Allah un ko hadaet de).
- Problem of poor people can be met by creating fund for them by villagers.
Phone Book in case of emergency
NO. |
Name |
Father Name |
Mobile No. |
01 |
Hamid Nasir |
Ahmad Khan |
0346-6190245 |
02 |
Muhammad Afzal Ranjha |
Fath-e-Muammad |
0344-6537801 |
03 |
Ahamd sher Ranjha |
Ch.Bahawal Sher |
0345-6655314 |
04 |
Ahtasham Ranjha |
Muhammad Ashraf |
0300-4090287 |
05 |
Arshad Ranjha |
Ali Bahadar |
0346-6480908 |
06 |
Dr, Gulam Hassan |
Hafiz Fath-e-Muhammad |
0345-5794731 |
07 |
Haroon Sultan Ranjha |
Sultan Ahmad |
0342-6924990 |
08 |
Iftakhar Ranjha |
Muhammad Hussan |
0345-5769689 |
09 |
Iqbal Ranjha |
Muhammad Aneiyat |
0346-6484778 |
10 |
Khalid Javeed Ranjha |
Faiz Ahmad |
0300-8125446 |
11 |
Haji Muhammad Bakhish |
Allah Dita |
0305-5116226 |
12 |
Qasim Ranjha |
Muhammad Khan |
0346-6463663 |
13 |
Tariq Ranjha |
Noor Muhammad |
0346-6453129 |
14 |
Zulifqar Advocate |
Muhammad Doost |
0300-3560593 |
15 |
Malik Zafar |
Malik Sher Muhammad |
0346-5396219 |
16 |
Zahoor Ahmad Makhdom |
Haji Noor Muhammad |
0306-8410807 |
17 |
Abbass Ranjha |
Muhammad Zaman |
0345-6645272 |
18 |
O Rang Zaib Ranjha |
Manzhoor Ahmad |
0345-5795772 |
19 |
Altaf Ranjha |
Khedar Hayyat Ranjha |
0344-6545629 |
20 |
Gulzar Ranjha |
Ahmad Khan |
0302-2514635 |
Info Provided by hamid_npk2010(at)
Mobile: 0346-6190245
God bless this village ——-