Wasuwal واسووال
Wasuwal واسووال
Wasuwal is a village in Tehsil Malakwal. It is 30 KM from Mandi bahuddin towards West and 10 KM from Malakwal. It has one Government Primary School for Boys Wasuwal and one Government Primary School for Girls Wasuwal. The village not too big nor small. The Population of the village is round about 2000 and the peoples of this village are very kind.Our village have good some good places like a cricket ground and khabdi ground. The favorite Sport of our village is volleyball. Our village have two mosques.
Social Personalities of the Village گاؤں کی فلاعی شخصيات
- Safder iqbal gondal
- Farhan zafar gondal (belgium)
- Javeed iqbal gondal (counceler)
- Harroon asghar gondal
- Ali gondal
- Malak (numberdar)
- Kahlid nazir gondal
- CH Niwaz gondal
- Mukthar gondal
- Zafar gondal (uk)
Main Crops گاؤں کی اہمفصليں
- Wheat
- Cotton
- Rice
- Sugar Cane
- Tobbacco
- Mussor
Nearest Villages گاؤں کے قريبی ديھات
- Chak number 19
- Bahwal
- Wara Alam Shah
- Gohar shareef
- Chak number 22
- Chak number 21
- Ajjowal
Main Castes گاؤں کیاہم ذاتيں
Sports گاؤں کیکھيليں