Aidal عیدل
By: Rizwan Naseer Gondal
Village Aidal عیدل is located in District Mandi Bahauddin. It is away from District Mandi Bahauddin upto 25 KM. In east side village Gohar Sharif, west side is Bhacher, north side is Natho Kot & side is Chak No. 14.
Area of the Village:
Total area of the village is about 40 squares that is about 1,000 acres in which no one in the village contain more than 40 acres so no one is a big fish but it is almost equally distributed among prominent families.
Neighboring Villages:
Neighboring villages of Aidal is
- Chak No. 14
- Bhacher
- Gohar Sharif
- Natho Kot
- Karare Wala
- Khutala Sheikhan
- Khai
- Chak No. 15
It is nota very big village only about 450 houses are in it and about 3,000 peoples live in them. All the population of the village is Muslim among them all are Sunni except one house that is of Shia. No non-Muslim is there in the village.
Registered voters:
The number of registered voters in the village is 1,300 among them almost half of them are of female voters. Although village is small but at the time of election village splits into three parts. Each group tries to cast votes against each other.
Major Castes:
Major casts of the village are
- Gondal
- Kumhar
- Machhi
- Lohar
- Mochi
- Tarkhan
- Muslim Sheikh
Highly Qualified Persons:
Although the literacy rate is good but only few persons are Master degree holders among them:
- Professor Khizar Hayat Kharal
- Dr. Siad Noor-ul-Hussan Shah
- Ch. Skindar Hayat (ASI Police)
- Javeed Iqbal Chaddar (Police)
- Zafar Iqbal Gondal Advocate
- Muhammad Gondal Advocate
- Naveed Iqbal Gondal (Atomic Energy)
- Ahmad Yar Gondal (SST)
- Riaz Ahmad Gondal (SST)
- Sayyed Tariq Shah (Teacher)
- Pervaiz Iqbal (Army)
- Dr. Zafar Iqbal Gondal
- Ch. Zafar Iqbal Gondal (MA, LLB of Punjab University)
- Ch. Waseem Zafar Gondal (MA, from university of west minister, UK.)
- Ch. Mumtaz Gondal (BA Honors)
- Ch. Nawaz Ahmed Gondal (ASI).
- Ch. Ikram Abbas Gondal (England)
- Ch. Irfan Abbas Gondal
- Ch. Muhammed Gondal (advocate)
- Ch. Zubair Gondal (SST)
Famous Personalities:
Important personalities of the village are as follows:
- Ch. Zafar Iqbal Gondal (Late)
- Ch. Sikandar Hayat Gondal
- Ch. Muhammad Akbar Gondal
- Ch. Mukhtar Ahmad Gondal
- Ch. Jhanda Khan Gondal
- Ch. Mukhtar Ahmad Bagri (Germany)
- Ch. Ghulam Nabi Bagri (Germany)
- Ch. Manzoor Ahmad Gondal
- Ch. Imran Naseer Gondal
- Ch. Rizwan Naseer Gondal (KSA)
- Ch. Afzan Naseer Gondal (Spain)
- Ch. Iftikhar Ahmad Gondal (Germany)
- Ch. Ahmad Khan Seera Gondal
- Ch. Muhammad Afzal Gondal
- Ch. Naeem Zubair Gondal
- Ch. Imran Ahmad Gondal (England)
- Ch. Amjad Javeed Gondal (England)
- Ch. Zaheer Abbas Gondal (France)
- Ch. Shafqat Abbas Gondal (France)
- Ch. Shamas Ghalani Gondal (America)
- Ch. Muhammad Asif Gondal (America)
- Ch. Altaf Ahmad Gondal (Spain)
- Ch. Shahid Mumzal Gondal (Spain)
- Ch. Muhammad Arshad Gondal (Kuwait).
Means Of Earning:
Majority of the peoples earn their livelihood through agriculture. Few peoples are in Government services and among them most are in WAPDA and ARMY. Now there is trend among the youth to go abroad that’s why many peoples of the village are found in France, Spain, Italy, Kuwait & Saudi-Arabia, etc. in search of their earning.
Way of living:
Peoples of the village live a simple life. They have very friendly behavior. Peoples are very much hostile, peaceful and sincere. Except few black sheeps vulgarity is an uncommon thing. People of the village go to their lands to care their cattles and crops and come back in the evening so they have a very busy life.
Young boys play Cricket, Volley Ball or play cards in their extra time. Peoples of the village remains careful about fight and misbehavior because if any body do a little mistake other party persons quickly report to the police at Khutala Sheikhan.
Bazars And Markets:
No Bazars or Markets are present in the village only four General stores (Karyana shops) are present which provide commodities of daily use. Peoples have to go Kuthiala Shaikhan M.B.Din for major shopping.
There are total three Mosques in the village, two in the main village.
Schools and Education:
Literacy rate of the village is much better. Almost every child of the village goes to school. There are two schools in the village:
- Govt. Primary School Aidal.
- Govt. Girls Middle School Aidal.
Health Facilities:
There is no GOVT. hospital & two clinics in the village.
Village is located almost 15 KM towards Bahauddin Road. People of the village travel on Buses, Vans.
Media Facilities:
In the village Television, Radio, Tape Recorder, PTCL Phones and Mobile Phones with services of all the Telecom companies are present in almost every house. Few homes in the village also possess Computers in them very rare people use internet.
Flora and Fauna:
As the area is very productive both animals and plants love to stay here. Domestic animals of the village are
- Buffalos (bhainsein)
- Cows and Bulls (gaey aur bael)
- Sheeps (bhairain)
- Goats (bakrian)
- Horses (ghoray)
- Donkeys (gadhay)
- Dogs (kutay)
- Cats (Bilian)
- Hens (murgean)
- Rabbits (khargosh)
- Pigeons (kabutar)
- Fishes (in forms)
- Ducks (batkhain)
Crops Of Village:
Land of this village is very fertile almost every crop of the world can be grown here. People use peter engines for irrigation purposes. Major crops of the village are
- Wheat (gandam)
- Rice (chawal)
- Corn (mukai)
- Potato (aalo)
- Barley (jao)
- Sugar Cane (kamad)
- Sweet Pea (mator)
- Chicken Pea (chana)
All Vegetables etc.
Problems of the Village:
People of the village are not very rich nor very poor. Except few houses all other can earn their livelihood easily those who are poor they are helped by the other village people in the form of Fitrana or other things in the name of God so fortunately every one is able to eat honorably.
Educational Problems Faced by Girls:
This is another main problem faced by students especially by Girls as there is no institute after F.A
Sports Of Village:
- Cricket
- Volleyball
- Kabaddi
- Guli Danda
Information Provided By: Rizwan Naseer Gondal
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